Had the chance to share my thoughts regarding Tips and Tricks of Community Building in a session at the ASUG Annual Conference this week co-located with Sapphire 2009.
Got the idea of using a different way to visualize my ideas from my colleague Mario Herger who twittered on the 2nd of May: is sick and tired of PPT and tried prezi.com,
I too have been killed by PowerPoint one too many times, and embraced the tool. You can check out the results here: http://prezi.com/58961/view/
People liked my session so much, that I have been asked to do a Webinar for the ASUG volunteers, which I am happy to do once the SAP Inside Track Palo Alto happening on the 29th of May has passed. Actually we will also discuss Assemble your Tribe at the SAP Inside Track in Palo Alto please register.
Here are some Twitter reactions to the presentation:
dgraversen: Enjoyed browsing browsing @finnern Assemble Your Tribe presentation. The prezi looks fancy #sapphire09 http://bit.ly/16AOxb (expand)
@finnern Great presentation! Looked at some of the other prezi efforts in the showcase -- yours best by a mile
mkrigsman: RT
@jonerp @finnern on SAP community ROI: "what is the ROI of someone defending your company's reputation when you're not around?"
jonerp: @finnern on SAP community ROI: "what is the ROI of someone defending your company's reputation when you're not around?" 1 day ago from TwitterBerry · Reply · View Tweet
jonerp: SAP's
Finnern: the school you attended is less and less important versus your online industry reputation.
A couple of comments to Prezi. I love the tool, it is a refreshing difference to the usual PowerPoint. Especially that you can easily zoom out and then jump to a different area in your presentation is supporting my style of presenting very much.
Hope they get enough traction to further improve it, as functionality is limited right now, but we also learned from Twitter that limitations can be benifitial. Yet with greater adoption the Prezi presentations will also look alike.
I think I got carried away a bit with the many perspective changes. I couldn't find how to just take one step out of the path, and I didn't want to create the whole one new, so I left it as is.
Be aware, as long as you are not paying for the service, all of your Prezi slideshows are publicaly available.
Really interested in the discussion around community building and the future. Join us at the SAP Inside Track in Palo Alto on the 29th of May.