It really exciting to see how big IoT has become at SAP over the last three plus years that I have been working on the topic. And the 3 events that SAP hosted over 8 days, really showed how important and how big IoT is at SAP.
The first event was a two-day SAP/ Redmonk event called IoT@Scale. The first day was the hack day, where the attendees had about 4 hours to build something under the theme of IoT Agriculture. To give the attendees some inspiration, there were presentations from a number of companies. There were presentations from Tessel, which is a startup that creates node-compatible hardware. The other hardware company was electricImp. Electric Imp donated some proto boards that easily allow IoT devices connect to the imp cloud.
For software, there were many presentations from many companies. Examples were apigee, which is an API management company and provides an easy way to write and consume API’s. An another example was Thingworx, which provides a platform for IoT.
And naturally, there were multiple projects and presentations from SAP. SAP showed off the SAP HANA Cloud Platform. In addition SAP also showed off the IoT Garden which was a demo project to show how simple it is to get data into the HCP and the full scale enterprise version the SAP Green Roof. SAP also showed off the SK Solutions SAP Anti-Collision System and our driving simulator based upon the OpenXC platform. Finally, SAP provided BeagleBone Blacks, Arduinos, and a number of sensors that the attendees could use to build their own IoT Agriculture design. For a good set of pictures from the first day, go here.
Day two was just as busy but with speakers. Here is good write up of the speakers by Redmonk’s James Governor.
Next up Innojam 2014.