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Try this five minutes tutorial to get YouTube capabilities inside your ABAP stack.   Before to put hands on your ABAP environment, get your developer id in YouTube. (  ( ).    *TUTORIAL*    *1.* Create these entities in data dictionary.  *2.* Create a bsp application (proposed name ZYOUTUBE), with a page with flow logic (proposed name ZYOUTUBE.htm) and set the status (in Properties tab ) "Stateful from now On. Lifetime : Session".    *3.* Set attributes to page  *4.* Page Layout.*5.* OnInputProcessing event handler code.* event handler for checking and processing user input and * for defining navigation  *GENERAL   data: event type ref to cl_htmlb_event.   event = cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( runtime->server->request ).  * SEARCH EVENT   if event->id = 'B_SRCH'.      clear wa_sel_video.  *   HTTP POST     data: url type string.     data: urlrest type string.     data: devid type string.     data: searchvalue type string.      data: http_client type ref to if_http_client .     data: response type string.      data: cl_description type ref to cl_htmlb_inputfield.      cl_description ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data(                     request = runtime->server->request                     name    = 'inputField'                     id    = 'search').      searchvalue = cl_description->value.      urlrest = ''.      devid = 'get_cdata( ).    *   XML PARSER     class cl_ixml definition load.     data : ixml          type ref to if_ixml,           g_ixml        type ref to if_ixml,           streamfactory type ref to if_ixml_stream_factory,           istream       type ref to if_ixml_istream,           document      type ref to if_ixml_document,           element       type ref to if_ixml_element,           encoding      type ref to if_ixml_encoding,           parser        type ref to if_ixml_parser,           child         type ref to if_ixml_node,           child1        type ref to if_ixml_node,           child2        type ref to if_ixml_node,           name          type string,           valor         type string.       if not response is initial.        g_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).       ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).       streamfactory = ixml->create_stream_factory( ).       istream  = streamfactory->create_istream_cstring( response ).       document = ixml->create_document( ).        encoding = g_ixml->create_encoding(                     character_set = 'utf-8'                     byte_order = 0 ).       document->set_encoding( encoding = encoding ).        parser   = ixml->create_parser( stream_factory  = streamfactory                                        istream         = istream                                        document        = document ).       parser->set_normalizing( ).       parser->set_validating( mode = if_ixml_parser=>co_no_validation ).        if parser->parse( ) ne 0.         write 'parser Error'.       endif.  *     XML TO TABLE       data: nodes type ref to if_ixml_node_list,             nodes1 type ref to if_ixml_node_list,             nodes2 type ref to if_ixml_node_list,             index type i,             index1 type i,             index2 type i.        data: wa_video type zvideo.        element = document->get_root_element( ).       nodes = element->get_children( ).        clear it_videos.        while index<nodes->get_length( ) .          child = nodes->get_item( index ).         valor  = child->get_value( ).         name   = child->get_name( ).         index = index + 1.          index1 = 0.         nodes1 = child->get_children( ).          while index1<nodes1->get_length( ).            child1 = nodes1->get_item( index1 ).           valor  = child1->get_value( ).           name   = child1->get_name( ).           index1 = index1 + 1.            if name eq 'video'.              index2 = 0.             nodes2 = child1->get_children( ).              clear wa_video.              while index2<nodes2->get_length( ).                child2 = nodes2->get_item( index2 ).               valor  = child2->get_value( ).               name   = child2->get_name( ).               index2 = index2 + 1.                case name.                 when 'author'. wa_video-author = valor.                 when 'id'. wa_video-id = valor.                 when 'title'. wa_video-title = valor.                 when 'length_seconds'. wa_video-length_seconds = valor.                 when 'rating_avg'. wa_video-rating_avg = valor.                 when 'rating_count'. wa_video-rating_count = valor.                 when 'description'. wa_video-description = valor.                 when 'view_count'. wa_video-view_count = valor.                 when 'upload_time'. wa_video-upload_time = valor.                 when 'comment_count'. wa_video-comment_count = valor.                 when 'tags'. wa_video-tags = valor.                 when 'url'. wa_video-url = valor.                 when 'thumbnail_url'. wa_video-thumbnail_url = valor.                 when 'embed_status'. wa_video-embed_status = valor.               endcase.              endwhile.              append wa_video to it_videos.            endif.          endwhile.        endwhile.      endif.    endif.  * VIEW VIDEO EVENT   if event->id = 'table'.      data: tv type ref to cl_htmlb_tableview.      tv ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data(                             request      = runtime->server->request                             name         = 'tableView'                             id           = 'table' ).      if tv is not initial.       if tv->data->selectedrowindex is not initial.         read table it_videos index tv->data->selectedrowindex into wa_sel_video.       endif.     endif.    endif.    You can now begin to search and watch videos.