Hi together, I use SUM10SP16_2-20006676.SAR to upgrade (via https-port 1129). At the begin and after giving the DDIC-Password I get this error:
Error Details :
Status Code : 500
Status text : Internal Server Error
Detailed Message : Message from service : Internal Server Error
SOAP error ,| Check the browser console for more information.
...started at 20160304153442
# Using phase log file 'PROFREAD.LOG'.
...begin dialog at 20160304153443
...end dialog at 20160305101017
..finished at 20160305101017 with status ABORTED.
1 ETQ201 Entering upgrade-phase "PREP_PRE_CHECK/PROFREAD" ("20160304153443")
2 ETQ367 Connect variables are set for standard instance access
4 ETQ399 System-nr = '00', GwService = 'sapgw00' Client = '000'
1 ETQ206 Executing pre-phase DB specific actions 0/1.
1 ETQ200 Executing actual phase 'PREP_PRE_CHECK/PROFREAD'.
1 ETQ399 Phase arguments:
2 ETQ399 Arg[0] = ''
4 ETQ399 Starting dialog 'Passwords' at 20160304153443.
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Error in network interface: NIECONN_BROKEN
Error processing dialog 'Passwords'
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "PROFREAD" aborted with severe errors ("20160305101017")
any Idea?
thanks / Esfandiar