#sitbru Excerpts from the Evaluation Forms
Further to the SAP Inside Track held in Brussels, on Friday September 10th, I wanted to share with you some 'Excerpts from the Evaluation Forms'. Feel free to chime in and provide your input too.
To the question ...
- Have you already taken part in a SAP Inside Track ? Most of the answers were 'NO' but the 'YES' mostly all attended SAP Inside Track Bonn.
- What is according to you the most positive aspects of the SAP Communities ? Following keywords were used : participation, collaboration, networking, knowledge & experience, Connecting, share, people & attitude.
- How did you hear about the SAP Inside Track Brussels ? Most of attendees heard about it throuhg the SAP Community Places and/or through invitation on social medias (twitter, Linkedin, Facebook).
- Would you come back next year to the SAP Inside Track : most anwered 'YES'
- Would you recommend the SAP Inside Track : most answered 'YES'
- What were your expectations today : 'To Learn & connnect and I was not disappointed !'
Part of the attendees will also attend SAP TechEd Berlin !
My five cents,
All the best,