SAPlin Beta v0.1.1 is out
Just a week ago we were on stage at the Demo Jam presenting what we thought SAPlink was and where we thought it could go. I had expected to do a second SAPlink release hopefully, by TechEd in Amsterdam, but due to some impressive work by our resident kings of ABAP Thomas Jung and Rich Heilman the release is ready right now. Yes, 1 week one minor release higher. As Eddie said in a The Power, Agility, and Speed of a Community, the speed and agility we all have working together is really something to see.
v0.1.1 includes some bug fixes and also a whole slew of new functionality entirely written by the SDN community here are some highlights:
- Class plugin now supports internal types, friends, local types, implementations, and macros
- Enhanced program plugin now supports dynpros, gui status, and gui title (Thanks to Rich Heilman)
Additionally, Thomas Jung has created a plugin for DDIC objects:
- Tables
- Data Elements
- Domains
- Lock Objects
- Index
- Search Helps
- Structures
- Table Technical Settings
- Table Types
- View Technical Settings
- Views
You can download Thomas DDIC nugget here. Once again just use SAPlink to add this to your system. UPDATE: Phillip T Young has just released a Plugin for BSP Extensions.
Seeing that blogs aren't even fast enough to keep up with changes in the project you should just subscribe to our feed .
Given that this is a minor release of SAPlink we have stayed true to our word and you can use your existing SAPlink version to just upgrade it. Here is the zip file with the new nugget in it. Just fire up ZSAPlink on your ABAP stack and install that nugget.
Hopefully, we can keep this momentum going, to check out what we will be working on next have a look at our group or at the SAPlink main code site.
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