With Support Package Stack 11 in SAP NetWeaver 7.0 usage type BI an expert mode was added to simulate and debug a DTP (Data Transfer Process) request. The aim of this mode is to have the ability to debug large data volume requests and find errors related to a specific dataset in the source or a specific selection of data in the source.
The debugging expert mode can be started from the execute tab of the DTP. The “Expert Mode flag appears when the Processing Mode Serially in the Dialog Process (for Debugging) is selected.
Choose Simulate to start the Debugger in expert mode. (see Picture 1)
Picture 1
The debugging for loaded data can be executed from the DTP Monitor directly.
Choose Debugging. (see Picture 2)
Picture 2
In case of starting the debugging / simulation from the monitor, the selections (including source requests) are copied from the original request. (see Picture 3)
Picture 3
The selection fields DATAPAKID / Datapackage ID and RECORD / Record Nb. are available if the Processing Mode Parallel Extraction and Processing was enabled during the data load. This is the case if the direct extraction from the PSA / DataSource was enabled, no Semantic Groups were defined and the error handling was Deactivated during the original data load.
The fields for selection on the popup can be changed by choosing "Change Selection" / "Auswahl verändern". (see Picture 4)
Picture 4
You can toggle between field description and technical field names by using the button Technische Feldnamen (Feldbezeichner) (see Picture 5)
Picture 5
Choose Als Variante sichern to save the selection variant for later use. Choose Variante laden to use a saved variant. (see Picture 6)
Picture 6
Choose the tab strip Zwischenspeicher and Breakpoints to activate temporary storage and switch breakpoints on and off. (see Picture 7)
Picture 7
The following Temporary Storage / Zwischenspeicher can be selected:
- Nach der Extraction / After extraction
- Nach dem Fehlerhandling / After error handling
- Nach der Transformation / After the transformation
The following breakpoints can be selected:
- Vor der Extraction / Before extraction
- Vor dem Fehlerhandling / Before error handling
- Vor der Transformation / Before transformation;
- Vor der Verbuchung / Before update
Picture 8
Choose Execute / Ausfuhren to start the simulation. (see Picture 😎
In the Request Processing screen the records in Temporary Storage can be selected and checked. (see Picture 9)
Picture 9
Please have a look into the documentation for additional information.
Simulating and Debugging DTP Requests
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