This blog describes the Data Transfer Process (DTP) feature "Only get delta Once" based on a Scenario and in a Step by Step format.
Scenario: 2 Requests are transferred from a Flat File to the DataSource (PSA) and then to an InfoCube separately. After the second data load, the overlapping first Request loaded with the same selection criteria is removed from the InfoCube automatically. This is necessary, for example, if the source delivers the last status of the key figures only, like a SnapShot of the Source Data.
Tip: It is recommended to configure the DTP with upload mode “Delta”. The deletion of the PSA data is necessary before each data load, if a “Full” DTP is used. A Full DTP extracts all Requests from the PSA regardless if the data has been already loaded or not. This means the Delta upload via a DTP from the DataSource (PSA) in the InfoCube is necessary, even if the data is loaded via a Full upload from the Source to the DataSource (PSA) by using an InfoPackage.
Additional information can be found in the documentation.
Configuration: - “Delta InfoPackage”
Picture 1
- “DTP definition”- The 'Only Get Delta Once' flag is set.
Picture 2
- “Process Chain” The Process Chain is created including the process types: (1) Start (2) Execute InfoPackage (3) Delta Data Transfer Process (4) Delete Overlapping Requests from InfoCube
Picture 3
Maintenance of the variant for the Process type “Delete Overlapping Requests Picture 4Choose “Deletion Selections” Picture 5Choose “Delete Existing Requests” … The selections are “Same or More Comprehensive” in this example. Picture 6 - “Dataflow”
Picture 7
Step by Step: - Initially, the InfoCube is empty.
Picture 8
- Execute the Process Chain The data is loaded into the PSA and then to the InfoCube Contents of PSA:
Picture 9
Contents of InfoCube: Picture 10 - Execute the Process Chain the second time. The data is loaded into the PSA and then to the InfoCube
Picture 11
Result: The old request data has been deleted from the InfoCube and only the new data has been inserted Contents of InfoCube after the data load: Picture 12
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