SAP Inside Track Copenhagen 2019 family photo.
2019 was an awesome year for SAP Inside Track events. I was fortunate enough to visit and speak at four of them (Walldorf in Germany, Wroclaw in Poland, Riga in Latvia and Barcelona in Spain), and I had a ton of fun. In Denmark we hosted the fifth SAP Inside Track Copenhagen event on May 4th, also known as Star Wars Day (
here's Anne’s recap). It was a really great day and I dare say our best event so far.
SAP Inside Track Copenhagen 2020 was supposed to take place on May 2nd, but in the meantime the pandemic hit and turned everything on its head. COVID-19 forced SAP community event organisers all over the world to either postpone or go virtual. Faced with that choice, Anne and I decided to stick with the in-person format and wait it out.
Fast forward to today. The pandemic is far from over, but things
are beginning to look up somewhat. Vaccine rollouts are happening all over Europe and we are - by degrees, at least - starting to see a return to some version of normal (sadly, that progress is very unevenly distributed across the world).
We’re still not out of the woods, though. If we were to hold a 2021 SAP Inside Track Copenhagen event in, say, autumn, chances are that it would still take place under COVID-19-related restrictions, that I don’t feel are conducive to a nice community get-together in real life.
In conclusion, we’ve decided to postpone to spring of 2022. Here’s to hoping that the positive developments continue, and that we’ll be able to meet up in person next spring and share lots of learning, fun and of course Danish “hygge”.
Stay safe and healthy out there!