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On Saturday the 5th of May, SAP Inside Track Copenhagen goes down at the KMD offices for the third time. As usual, we posted a Call for Speakers right here on the SAP Community site, and we received some great session proposals. Based on those proposals, we’ve put together an agenda of sessions that we’re really excited about. Like the previous SAP Inside Track Copenhagen events, we have sessions covering both technical and non-technical topics. You’ll find the agenda below, along with information on how to register. All other details can be found on the event’s wiki page.

In the spirit of Danish “hygge”, i.e. having a nice time with each other in a laid-back atmosphere, we hope you’ll stick around for a beer and snacks after the last session. We invite you to spend the afternoon hanging out with your fellow community members in the most “hygge” way possible.

We’re looking forward to welcoming you!


Experiences from working with Fit-to-Standard in an S/4HANA Cloud project by Zeenat Khan

When implementing S/4HANA Cloud, it can be difficult to navigate the numerous templates and deliverables provided by the SAP Activate methodology. Therefore, you need to divide the work into smaller bits and pieces to connect the dots, when working with the Fit-to-Standard approach. In this session, I will show a practical approach to Fit-to-Standard, and how to use the provided tools.

Integration Using Serverless Computing by Thorsten Søbirk

In this talk you will get a broad introduction to serverless computing. Using a real-life systems integration example, I will touch on many aspects of serverless computing, including motivations for use, how multiple services can work together, monitoring and troubleshooting, and more. The purpose of the talk is to whet your appetite for serverless.

Managing SAP’s cloud offerings with SAP Solution Manager by Søren Amdi Bach

For more than 15 years, SAP Solution Manager has been the answer to how you manage your SAP footprint. With the release of version 7.2, the main parts of the system got a substantial makeover, and SAP Solution Manager was positioned as the tool to help you with your on-premise S/4HANA transformation. But what about the various SAP cloud offerings? In this session, Søren will cover to what extent they can be managed by SAP Solution Manager.

Lessons learned from implementing SAP Projects with SAP Activate by Juliana Hendel

Often implemented as a simple methodology, SAP Activate is in fact a complete framework for project delivery encompassing methodology, guided configuration and SAP Best Practices developed from the study of tens of thousands of successful and unsuccessful projects. The introduction of SAP Activate as a project implementation framework in a company can face many different obstacles, because at the core of it is the need for change in the way we run and think about SAP projects. This session aims to introduce SAP Activate and will cover some of the human factors and technological pitfalls that often befall inexperienced teams and prevent their projects reaching their full potential.

Mindful DevOps - How to keep calm and do DevOps by Achim Töper

In a world characterized by transformation, disruption and constant change, there is a need for ways and means to master the madness of the digital transformation. My answer to this is simply: PYLONS. I will shed light on the advantage of setting the right purpose and how to use storytelling and design-thinking along a scaled agile SAP implementation approach (with SAP Solution Manager and Focused Build), to manage the urgently needed cultural shift. I try to give some answers for the questions: Which leadership skills will you need to master the speed of change and why are purpose-driven networks so essential? The lecture will be ended by a simple practice in mindfulness. So every participant gets a tool at hand to set each ones focus and make alignment and stabilization a pillar of their personal success.

Lessons learnt implementing 300+ Fiori apps for S/4HANA by Phillip Parkinson

The session plans to cover lessons learnt while activating and configuring 300+ Fiori apps for S/4HANA on-premise for a pharmaceutical client. I’ll give a short overview of the scope and methodology used and then I will cover what I would do again and I what I would improve on for the next project of this type.

Design Thinking learnings from KMD SAP Innovation Challenges by Anne Johnson

Business is about creating relationship and trust with your customer, and doing valuable activities that show profit in the long run. In the KMD SAP Innovation Challenges event, KMD used SAP Design Thinking to approach the participating customers and create a better understanding between each other. In this session, I will present the process of the succesful event and discuss the use of Design Thinking as a tool for business communication.

The dark side of web applications in ABAP by Lars Hvam

In this session we will explore alternative ways of building web applications on the ABAP application server. The session includes practical examples using open source frameworks.

The what, how, why and where of Neo and Cloud Foundry by Morten Wittrock

Since Cloud Foundry became generally available on SAP Cloud Platform at the SAPPHIRE NOW conference in 2017, SAP Cloud Platform has had two separate environments: The original Neo environment and the new Cloud Foundry environment. In this session, I will discuss the ins and outs of the two environments, their similarities and where they differ.


To get your free ticket, please go the event’s Eventbrite page.