Through this blog I will share my experience of installing and configuring SAP IDM 7.2. SP7
Until now, I face a lot of “problems” and in order you to spare time, I’ll document steps / issues I’ve been through, hoping it will be useful for some other persons.
As an introduction I’ll present myself.
I’m working in SAP Auth. & Security Team of an Energy company in Belgium since December 2008. I succeeded the Professional certification P_ADM_SEC_70 this October 2012. I followed the training SAP NetWeaver Identity Management 7.1. (TZNWIM) in September 2012 and I was directly convinced by the product which is a great evolution in Identity Management not only is SAP but in general. SAP IDM offers a new concept tool with a lot of options, connections and most important self-services !
We are currently (March 2013) using the CUA to administer more than 60 systems / clients and we hope to finish the migration within 6 months.
Few months after my training I got the good news that I’ll be leading the Project Migration of CUA to IDM.
You can find a lot of manuals concerning Installation, initial configuration,… of SAP IDM, but in some case, I haven’t found anything (or not in the right doc) so I’ve lost a lot of time finding the solution.
If you have any remarks or suggestions don't hesitate to write on my blog or contact me.
Thanks for reading,