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Writing a blog has always been on my mind, but I have never intended to simply scribble about latest SAP technologies or buzzwords. Having worked in SAP for a couple of years now, my day today starts with an SAP LOG ON pad and ends with the same SAP LOG ON pad


The thought process behind this blog is to portray the reality of a raging trend in India. The below story could be one of yours or could be related to anyone who in one way or other  has knocked the SAP door and carved a good career out of it. Or it could be a tale of thousand others who are trying hard to break into the SAP arena or of those who are yet to make up their mind about SAP or those who have failed to achieve their so called dream SAP job.

Yes, many of us have dreamt of being an SAP consultant – certified or otherwise…And Yes it is indeed a Dream job… Albeit one should be consistently high on the learning curve and find a suitable platform to showcase his/her skills.

Today, a handful of functional consultants have either landed SAP jobs with a good B school degree or with an SAP Certification from an SAP Education partner like Siemens or Lethan Genovate. Ironically most of the folks have found SAP jobs after toiling in specific domain areas for years together. Continuing with this trend which germinated in late 90’s, most people, today, who are working in the domains of manufacturing, sales, HR etc. are eyeing  the lucrative SAP jobs

Many others, who cannot shelve money for Certifications or afford a B school education, generally enroll into a local SAP certification course. These folks then scavenge for key user jobs in any of the local companies using SAP for their business processes. A few among these who are highly passionate about SAP later find their way into MNCs and end their career on a high note.

Individuals who have successfully done their certifications – are usually in a hangover mood for the initial months of their career. This is probably because they feel that being a Certified SAP Consultant is the end of the road for them. But this is only the beginning- as a certification only provides one with a launch pad to break into the SAP domain, but sustenance and forging a successful lifetime career necessitates relevant job experience.

Although I am a certified SAP consultant – I can confidently say that I know only about 10% of SAP in my area of expertise. SAP is an ocean and one should always be passionate to maintain one’s everyday learning curve. So, start by creating an SCN SAP login id and start participating learning extensively about SAP.

SAP has become a household name for many of the consulting firms in India, SAP implementation and support service projects are getting outsourced to India due to the raise in quality of the SAP job seekers and more importantly being cost effective. Today few of the entities of Indian government are opting for SAP implementation; this would in turn enhance the job rates in SAP field.

SAP has set the trend in education and career … and the trend is raging on a positive note.