Saturday November 29 around 75 SAP enthusiasts gathered to share SAP knowledge and passion at the 6th SAP Inside Track Netherlands, sitnl in short.
First some figures:
- 87 registrations
- 5 sponsors
- 19 high quality sessions
- 22 enthusiastic speakers
- 1 HANA start up
- 1 pubquiz
- 14 SAP Mentors
- 1 SAP Mentor junior :wink:
Second a recap in pictures / slides
Welcome and opening twan.vandenbroek Slides | |
SAP TechEd && d-code recap jan.penninkhof2 Slides Explained why the WebIDE should not have been called the WATT. | |
Birst: Instant Analytics for SAP ERP, BW, HANA data and other sources. A full Data warehousing solution running on the HANA Cloud Platform. richard.neale Jerry Tricker
Live building of a HANA warehouse with drag and drop. Led to absolutely silence in the room. | |
Experiences doing SAP Security research and how SAP handles vulnerabilities reported by external security researchers joris.vandevis2. |