I like PHP. It is easy, powerfull and also open source. You can find plenty of applications written with php and you can use them freely. There are lots of web servers on which you can run PHP codes such as Apache, IIS etc.
I was thinking about adding SAP Netweaver Platform to this list. After I started to make some experiments, I found PHP/Java Bridge which combines PHP and Java together. You can use Java codes in PHP and also you can run PHP codes on your J2EE engine directly. Many thanks to developers who made this great job.
I downloaded PHP/Java Bridge and deployed to SAP Netweaver. Yes, It worked.
Let's go through the steps to configure PHP/JavaBridge on SAP Netweaver :
- Download php/Java bridge from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=117793
- Extract files find JavaBridge.war rename it to JavaBridge.zip and extract it to a new folder
- Open NWDS and create new Web Application Project JavaBridge
- Right click on project name and choose import file
- Select your folder previously extracted from JavaBridge.war and select all files
- Right Click on project name and click Build Web Arcieve
- Create a new Enterprise Application Project “JavaBridgeEAR”
- Right click on project name and select add modules. Then select project “JavaBridge”
- Right click on project name and select Build Application Archieve
- Right click on JavaBridgeEAR.ear and select Deploy to J2EE Engine
- Open http://localhost:50000/JavaBridge/ and see the result :
- Execute "Test and general php info" and see the PHP configuration details
As you see it is really easy to run PHP on Netweaver Platform. You can integrate many useful PHP applications and use them on your Portal.
In this blog, I only focused on running PHP on SAP J2EE engine. In the next blogs, I will show how you can integrate PHP applications and see the magic on Portal.