June the 23rd gregor.wolf started his initial commit for "SAP inside Track registration". Beginning from then, the idea was to implement a modern way for the Maintenance and Registrations to a SAP-Inside-Track events. The aim was to replace the nowadays outdated way to register to an event by editing the corresponding SIT-Wiki page. Which did it’s job for the time being, but can be handled with SAP’s newest technology stack in a much more comfortable way for the users namely the event-participants.
With SAP’s HANA-Cloud-Platform the technological Backend based on a hosted HANA System is available. Also the possibility to host SAPUI5 Applications with the latest UI5 Stack gives the ability to offer a mobile enabled (responsive design) front end for the different user roles.
Roles in the Product
There are currently four different roles of Users around an Inside-Track using the Product in an own way. All roles have their own frontend
The Participant
The Participant is the Person who registers to an event. The navigation to the SITreg Webapp was normally originating from a landing page to that event. There are several data fields to fill out, like the Name, Twitter handle and also an option for the participation at pre/post events activities.
There exists the open-source github project under:
The Organizer/Co-Organizer
The Organizer can create Events, maintain event data like where the event takes place, when it's happening and how many participants can attend to the event.
There exists the open-source github project under:
The Receptionist
Due to the really nice open-sourced Project of Jan Penninkhof, the idea was born to enable the Participants to having a QR-Code as comfortable representation of their registration.
The Receptionist has an own App (loaded via the SAP Companion App) e.g. on an tablet lying on a registration counterdesk-table, where we can use the front-camera for the Event sign-in of the Participant.
Also what is possible in the App is to Check-In the Participant of the Event manually.
With a successful Check-In a Publish Event into the PubSub-Channel of the IoT-Services is sent, so that registered devices e.g. a Printer can start defined actions.
There exists the open-source github project under:
The Admin
The Admin will gain the possibility to remove events and participants. Also see statistics etc.
Different features
For User-Authentication a SCN user account is needed. With this prerequisite (and the Single-Sign-On variant SAML) the whole Account-Management of SAP is used and liberates us of implementing an own way of User-Management. Also this opened the ability to utillize the HCP User API (https://help.hana.ondemand.com/help/frameset.htm?1de599bf722446849d2b2e10132df42a.html) to prefill masterdata like the first name and last name and email address directly into the registration form of the user.
QR-Code for Ticket. In the final Application the Participant will have an QR code representing his ticket which he can then show at the receptionists table for check-in to the event. This was made possible with the QR-Code plugin of Jan Penninkhof (please see http://scn.sap.com/community/developer-center/front-end/blog/2016/08/19/ui5-custom-control-for-qr-co...)
All participant list of an events (in this view the emails are not displayed to prevent spam-harvesters to obtain the address):
See under https://sitregparticipantlist-a5a504e08.dispatcher.hana.ondemand.com/
Github repository under https://github.com/sapmentors/SITRegParticipantList
Registrations landing page
See under https://sitregparticipant-a5a504e08.dispatcher.hana.ondemand.com/
Team in order of joining the development of SITreg
gregor.wolf |
m.kadiri |
aloeffel |
renald.wittwer |
Technological stuff
The SITreg was developed using the HANA-Cloud-Platform (HCP). The SAP Web IDE for the fronted and the SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench. We try to provide our feedback there as much as we can to help to polishing the experience for future Developers.
Front end
Here we have used are HCP HTML5 repository in the SAP Web IDE with Github integration.
These are categorized in the context of the App or User’s role. Here you can find these repositories:
For the registration counter to have a ticket-checkin the really cool extension for generating QR codes of Jan Penninkhof was used
There is the SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench which can be used directly out of your favorite browser. With that you can implement a native HANA Application using HANA XS Classic or SQLScript for the business logic. XSODATA is used to expose the business logic as OData to the App. There is a really extensive and fine granular Role/Priveleges- editor. Please read some privilege HANA documentation.
An Github integration exists here also, where you can check-out the github repository
Documentation and should reads
SAP HANA Developer Guide for SAP HANA Studio
SAP HANA SQLScript Reference
Future already mentioned and ongoing Integrations:
Lemonaid by
jan.penninkhof2 a sap mentors directory based on C4C/HCP. Here the SITevents are made accessible in the directory.
Final Words
I think I can say this, thanks to Gregor’s enthusiastic commitment to push the latest SAP technologies with SITreg, it attracted more developers in a growing team to push the community to develop a new future Inside-Track User- and Event management of our new century of modern Technologies. Also thanks to all community elements we could reuse