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First let me say this only works if your instance of SAP is running on an ISeries.

Next you will need authority to a TCODE SM69 so if you dont have that authority go talk with your Basis People good luck.

Now lets just dive in to SM69

I am seting up the most basic of ISeries commands the "Call" Statement.  The Call is a command like SA38 it just lets you call a program.

The following is the Function Module that you need to place into your ABAP program to call this command.

      call function 'SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE'


          commandname                   = ld_comline

          additional_parameters         = v_parameter1

          operatingsystem               = sy-opsys

          targetsystem                  = sy-host

          stdout                        = 'X'         
         stderr                        = 'X'

          terminationwait               = 'X'


          status                        = ld_status         

          exec_protocol                 = ld_output         

          no_permission                 = 1

          command_not_found             = 2

          parameters_too_long           = 3

          security_risk                 = 4

          wrong_check_call_interface    = 5

          program_start_error           = 6

          program_termination_error     = 7

          x_error                       = 8

          parameter_expected            = 9

          too_many_parameters           = 10

          illegal_command               = 11

          wrong_asynchronous_parameters = 12

          cant_enq_tbtco_entry          = 13

          jobcount_generation_error     = 14

          others                        = 15.

ParameterHeader 2
CommandnameThis is the name of the entry you setup in SM69 in my case it will be ZCALL.
additional_parametersIn this example it will be your program name on the ISeries along with Library if needed.
operatingsystemIn my example SAP was running on an ISeries so I could get away with sy-opsys.
targetsystemAgain this works because I am on a ISeries sy-host

Well thats it play around with it I want to see if I can reach another ISeries with this same procedure.  I might make another post if I am able to make this work.

P.S. when I first did this nearly 4 years ago my company had SAP running on the ISeries but we have since migrated off the ISeries onto a windows machine so I cannot run this as it is configured any longer.