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Right off, let me introduce myself. As you can see above, the name is Aziz Dohadwala and I am a SAP FI consultant. All that is obvious and open to all forum members/visitors. What is not is the journey that has bought me here.

There is one common thread through all the personal blogs, the passion in working in SAP and expanding one’s horizons and boundaries. I got here in a little roundabout way. I spent about 8yrs in the USA working on client-server architecture and databases and doing a pretty good job, if my managers and employers are to be believed. On return to India, I was involved in my family business for 11 yrs but it was never personally fulfilling. Eventually, I stopped and re-evaluated my own self and my life. What did I want to do ??? That was the question. :???:

Ticking it off, it had to be something in computers (very broad, but bear with me), a field where I could leverage the knowledge I had gained from business and my prior IT experience and something which would stimulate me mentally. After all the soul-searching and research one does at the crossroads of life and at the start of middle-age. I decided SAP was what I wanted to do and FI was the module I was best suited to. It not only helped to leverage my previous IT experience but also my business experience. I believe that it makes it easier to understand new business processes and would be a great way to expand myself mentally.

After inquiring at the training center, I was stunned to hear about the cost of the training and certification exam. But, I believed that this was the best way to learn and get a foothold into an industry I wanted to be in. So I started the journey in April of 2014. Four weeks of intensive training and staying up late nights studying for the exam became par for the course. Knowing that there was no way back for me, I knew I had to do well in the exam. All the hard work and late nights paid off and I did very well getting 78/80.

I was now ready to stun the SAP world with my sparkling wit and intellect :cool: , or so I thought. My first couple of interviews brought me down to planet earth with a thud and deflated my ego considerably. Looking back at my previous experience, I went back to how I was as a fresher, eager to learn and absorb. This helped me land my first job, just a few months ago where I am currently.

Right now I am working in Hyderabad, with a great group of people and lucky enough to have very supportive seniors. And feeling good about myself to boot.

Just a few points in conclusion,

  1. Never too late to do something you like. Even if it means a change in careers. Infact, sometimes the “no way back” makes you work harder
  2. Be willing to do hard work, learn and respect your intellectual seniors. A lot of my seniors are way younger than me. I am 43 years old.
  3. Leave your ego behind. Ask questions, research and use the internet. As you get knowledge, share it also.
  4. For newcomers and career changers, the money may not be great in the start, but the rewards will come if you stick with point 2.
  5. Enjoy yourself. Nothing makes work easier if you like what you are doing.

I wish all a successful career and a happy life. Always follow the rainbow of your dreams, the pot of gold IS at the end.

Thanks and regards and this is my first blog post, so please forgive any faux pas.

- Aziz