To upload excel data to a BO having header level and item level elements.
Generally requirements come in which Data is to be uploaded to a Standard BO (Eg: Sales Order, Purchase Order etc). But I am using a custom BO which contains HEADER LEVEL ELEMENTS and ITEM LEVEL ELEMENTS. The concept is same for both Standard and Custom BO. The BO am using is shown above.
- It is not possible to upload excel for a BO (MAIN BO) containing a header level and item level elements. So we are going to create a Custom BO (Secondary BO) with the same fields as the Main BO and all the elements will be put in the same level.
- Now the concept is to create a SERVICE INTEGRATION for the secondary BO (i.e upload excel for the secondary BO) and a code must be written in EVENT-BEFORE-SAVE of the secondary BO which will enter the data in the Main BO.
I am using SERIAL_NO as ALTERNATIVE KEY, since SO_ID will contain duplicates for secondary BO when we make entry for each item level elements as shown below.
3. In the EVENT-BEFORE-SAVE of the Secondary BO we will write the following code. Comments are also provided.
4. After making a file input through Application User Management -> File Input, we can see the data entered in both the BOs i.e. MAIN BO and Secondary BO.
Data entry in Secondary BO.
Data entry in MAIN BO.