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Probably the most of you know SAP note 660009 – Stock comparison between WM and IM with handling units. Reports RLABGL00 and RHUSTOCK_DIFFERENCES provide information about stock inconsistences, but they cannot fix those problems. In the mentioned note, SAP intervention is required.

There are two different ways to solve stock differences by yourself. Both are risky, but sometimes you must choose between jeopardize or wait for the SAP intervention in your system. I will suppose that WM+HU stocks are OK and the problem is at IM level.

First option: Remove the IM-WM link and the HU management.

It looks easy. Deactivating the assignment we will be able to correct IM stock without affect WM one. At the same time, deactivating the HUM we could fix it too.

Once you stock is adjusted, you will have to reassign the warehouse number and mark again the HU management flag. Due to SAP restrictions, you cannot activate the HUM if the storage location is not empty, so you will have to update it manually (T001L-XHUPF). 

The main problem of this solution is that all the warehouse activities will have to stop during while you perform this task, and this is not always possible.

Second option: Break the IM – WM/HU assignment by debugging

To perform this option you need authorization to debug and change variable values during debugging. Just set these break-points and post the IM movement for adjust the stock (for example by MIGO):

  • Break-point 1:
    • Line 744 (vm07m-sdkun = xt001l-kunnr.)
    • Action: Clear variable VM07M-XHUPF
  • Break-point 2:
    • Program LMBWLU14
    • Line 619 (IF xdeliv IS INITIAL AND no_choice IS INITIAL …)
    • Action: Clear variable NO_CHOICE and set NO_DELIV to ‘X’
  • Break-point 3:
    • Line 83 (if flg_bfwms is initial)
    • Action: Set variables LVS_RELEVANT, LVS_RELEVANT_UM and LVS_RELEVANT_UB to 0


What is the best option? When I have to fix this kind of problems I use to choose the second one. Yes, I know that it seems almost a hacking process, but I am pretty sure that SAP support team would perform something similar when they connect to your system.

Anyway, before of run any of those solutions, I kindly recommend to test them deeply in a parallel environment and always under your responsibility.