If you always wished you could make cool looking "Web 2.0" applications in SAP, but were always held up by the fear of writing mounds of JavaScript, today is your lucky day. Today I am making available a framework, called ABAP JavaScript or AJS for the TLA inclined, to easily develop applications that use AJAX type updating and visual effects straight from BSPs. Released as always, under the GPL --- free as in freedom.
The basis of this "framework" is Ruby on Rails and it's RJS templates. The basic idea being the ability to send javascript back and forth between the rendered web page and the server.
The best part is, it's really easy to use, simply subclass my new Controller and call some "helper" methods and you have access to both the Prototype and script.aculo.us libraries.
For a cursory explanation and example of how it works and what it can do, just watch the movie, it's about 10 mins.
If you want to help out with the project and/or download the nugget for installation got to the ABAPJS project page.
Big thanks to the Prototype, script.aculo.us and the Ruby on Rails developers as all this work simply follows in there sufficiently large footsteps.
This is only a beta version of the framework, most of it is done, however, some of the helpers are missing. If there is interest I ( or someone in the community, hint hint ) will finish the rest of the helper methods and the remaining script.aculo.us controls.
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