Installed Bases contain Install Base Components (also called I-Objects) are used in Charm and ITSM within Solution Manager 7.1. Install Base Components are generated for each client in all systems configured in Solution Manager. When a change occurs to a system that is significant enough, Solution Manager will automatically generate a new Ibase component for the system and clients. This can cause confusion for end users as they don't know which Ibase to select when creating a change in Charm or a ticket in ITSM.
The instructions below will walk you through the step by step process on how to Archive these duplicate Ibase Components. This way the end user will not have multiple options when creating a change in Charm or at ticket in ITSM. This process can also be used to remove any unnecessary Ibase Components after a system has been decommissioned from Solution Manager. See screenshots of before and after the procedure to see an example of the issue and its resolution.
Archiving is the only safe option, unless you can 100% verify that the Ibase component has NOT been used for the creation of a change document or a ticket. If you delete a Ibase Component that has been used, you will lose the Change document or the Ticket. It is safer to Archive rather than delete. This way any Charm Change documents or ITSM Tickets that are assigned to that Ibase Component will NOT be lost.
Duplicate Ibase Components before Archiving Procedure
After Archiving Procedure
Create a Place to Archive the IBase Component by Creating a New Installed Base
1. Enter Transaction IB51
2. Enter IBase Category 01
3. Hit the Enter key on your keyboard
4. Enter a description – Ibase for Archiving Unused Components
5. Take Note of the new Install Base Number
6. Select Save
Adjust the Object Management Configuration to set the New Installed Base as the Installed Base for Archiving Only
1. Create a new property in the domain “AICRM_OBJ_PROPERTY”
2. Enter Transaction SE11
4. Add the FIX Value “LMDB_ARCH” with description “Ibase for Archived LMDB Objects”
5. Save (Saving requires developer access and a developer key)
6. Transport this new property to your production Solution Manager
7. Set the IBase as the Ibase for Archiving
8. Enter Transaction SM30
9. Enter Table AIC_OBJECT_CONF
10. Select Maintain
11. Select New Entry
12. Select the Property “Ibase for archived LMDB Objects”
13. Enter the Ibase number for the new IBase you just created
14. Save the change to a transport.
- Do not transport this change to your production solution manager unless you have identical Ibase numbers.
- If you have a different Ibase number in production you will have to save this change locally on each solution manager.
15. Select Save
Archive the Duplicate/Unused Ibase Components
1. Use Transaction IB53 to display the Ibase that holds the Ibase Components that need to be archived. Copy the Object ID that is associated to each Ibase component that will be archived.
2. Enter transaction CRM_UI
3. Select Master Data
4. Select LMDB Objects
5. Enter an object ID that was copied from the Ibase Component
6. Select Search
7. Select the Object ID to navigate to it.
8. Select Edit
9. Change the Status of the iObject to “Locked”
10. Select Save
a. Complete Steps 1 thru 10 for each Ibase component that needs to be archived.
11. Enter Transaction IB54
12. Enter the Original Ibase and the new Ibase for Archiving Components
13. Select the Component that needs to be archived
14. Select Cut under the original Ibase
15. Select Paste in the ibase for archiving.
16. You should now see the Component has moved to the archival Ibase
17. Select Save
18. Using IB53 verify the changes have taken effect
19. Verification that the Unused/Duplicate Ibase Component now exists in the Archive Installation Base
20. Verification that the Unused Component no longer exists in original Installation Base
21. Verify that the Archived Ibase Component can no longer be selected in a newly created Change Doc
22. Verify that the Archived Ibase Component can no longer be selected in a newly created Change Doc
23. Screenshot verifying that Change document that is assigned to an the archived Ibase component can still be moved to another status and imported to production.
24. Screen shot verifying that Change documents assigned to an archived Ibase can still be viewed.