In this blog I will teach you 10 tips for designing competency positions and profiles focusing on productive and profitable development of people in organizations will be of great use.
Identify the job well, avoid ambiguous names, ensure that the name or job title matches the missionary purpose thereof.
Ensure that the position report to a higher level with which it has logical consistency, avoid such a legal charge or systems report to the treasurer to marketing, etc..
Ensure that the missionary objective of the office is fully aligned with the company strategy, this is achieved globally specifying what is done, what process is done, guideline or reference that determines what it does, and very precisely that result should reach the position (remember that the goal must be measurable mission) avoids the terms "watch" "guarantee" "advocate" "tending" instead use terms such as "increase" increase "" achieve, "" catch up "" down "" reduce "etc..
Avoid transcribing the stories that people make in their daily tasks, identify the activities and structure the processes responsible for articulating the responsibilities under the PDCA. Specify the results to be achieved by each activity, it is required to define the powers of the office.
No detail tasks, the tasks must register with the procedures, instructions, user guides, etc.. Instead establish a cross-reference to indicate the exact address of the document which describes the steps to perform each activity.
Set at least one performance indicator to indicate whether or not the position meets their mission objective and assign the responsibility of this indicator at incumbent who must review the results and take appropriate action to keep it within the preset limits.
Define the authority holding the position to make autonomous decisions eg into contracts, grant credit, approve expenditures, approve discounts, sign securities, assets you have, etc.. Specifying exactly, in each case, the scope of each assignment and the document in which this authority was granted.
Build the competency profile only after finishing the job description and logically after having prepared the catalog of powers, remember that the job description and competency profile are complementary documents but different in purpose, avoid mix them
Make sure the specified competence profile
Formal education required for the position degree, technical, chemical engineer, etc.. Avoid writing words "and related professions"
The education, training or specific training required for the execution of the office
The experience in terms of time during which previously have worked in and / or has handled specific tools (is also associated with technical competence)
Specific requirements of the position such as willingness to travel, shift work, working at heights, or low temperatures
The behavioral competencies defined and specified in terms of behavioral indicators and degrees of domains in the hierarchy of office.
10. last one
Assign work to design and document charges and competency profiles a team of professionals who possess the appropriate academic experts in personnel management, organizational engineering, occupational analysis, organizational psychologists who have experience, have a proven methodology and tools have appropriate scans and avoid losing credibility time and money.