SAP Landscape Management Cloud FAQ

Over the last years we have received many questions about the product. We tried to summarize the most asked questions and the related answers on this page. Please check back frequently as we will update it with more content from time to time.

Basic Product Information

What is SAP Landscape Management Cloud?

SAP Landscape Management Cloud is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution running on SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) that manages SAP systems running in Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) – aka hyperscaler – environments. The solution helps you to:

  • optimize the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for SAP systems like SAP S/4HANA®
  • provide an SAP system-centric view across the entire SAP landscape
  • improve and monitor the IaaS budget as well as energy consumption by forecasting and planning utilizing embedded analytic capabilities
  • accelerate and automate the system refresh process including pre- and post-tasks as well as BDLS runtime
Is SAP Landscape Management Cloud the cloud version of SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition?

No. SAP Landscape Management Cloud is independent from SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition. It focuses on use cases to operate SAP systems in IaaS environments. However, some key functionalities of SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition will be added over time.

Which functionalities are available in SAP Landscape Management Cloud?

You can find constantly updated information about functionality of SAP Landscape Management Cloud on our product page and on the SAP Help Portal.

When do I use SAP Landscape Management Cloud and SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition?

SAP Landscape Management Cloud is for managing SAP systems installed in IaaS environments whereas SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition is for managing on-premise and hybrid landscapes.

Initially, SAP Landscape Management Cloud focuses on use cases targeted at SAP systems purely running on IaaS which are very different from the basis management tasks in SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition. If you have a strategy to move SAP S/4HANA to an IaaS environment, you should use SAP Landscape Management Cloud.

If you plan to stay in a hybrid landscape setup for the next three to five years, you should evaluate a combined use of SAP Landscape Management Cloud and SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition.

Do I need SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition to use SAP Landscape Management Cloud?

No. SAP Landscape Management Cloud is a SaaS solution and is independent from SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition. There is no installation of the latter solution required.

However, we recommend having SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition installed and connected to SAP Landscape Management Cloud in order to leverage all functionalities of both solutions.

Can I upgrade my SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition to SAP Landscape Management Cloud?

SAP Landscape Management Cloud and SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition are two separate product offerings. There is no update required. However, if you want to switch to SAP Landscape Management Cloud, please get in touch with your SAP Representative to discuss on options.

Which SAP workloads can I manage using SAP Landscape Management Cloud?

SAP Landscape Management Cloud supports systems like SAP S/4HANA and other solutions based on SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP 7.5 and higher. The prerequisites are listed here.

Can I manage my on-premise systems with SAP Landscape Management Cloud?

SAP Landscape Management Cloud is for managing SAP workloads in IaaS environments as the use cases are tightly integrated to optimize Energy Consumption and TCO for running SAP systems in the cloud. For managing on-premise SAP systems, SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition is more suitable.

Installation, Configuration, and Operation

Does SAP Landscape Management Cloud manage virtual machines?

SAP Landscape Management Cloud helps to activate or deactivate virtual machines (VMs) while considering the SAP applications running on them. This means that SAP instances and databases are properly stopped before VM deactivation and properly started on VM activation. Furthermore, the solution shows utilization and coverage by reserved instances for these virtual machines.

Does SAP Landscape Management Cloud support monitoring? If yes, what is the scope of technical monitoring?

SAP Landscape Management Cloud shows the actual SAP system’s state (running or not running) and the SAP system’s target state according to the predefined availability pattern. For details, please visit the SAP Help Portal.

What are the prerequisites for SAP Landscape Management Cloud?

To enable communication between SAP Landscape Management Cloud and your SAP systems on IaaS you need a “landscape agent”. You can choose between two options:

  • SAP Landscape Management Cloud, execution engine
  • SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition

In addition, an installation of a cloud connector as part of SAP Connectivity service is required to ensure a secure communication channel between SAP Landscape Management Cloud and the landscape agent. Additional details can be found at our SAP Help Portal.

What are the supported cloud providers for the workloads managed by SAP Landscape Management Cloud?

SAP Landscape Management Cloud supports Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure (Azure), and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

What are the supported browsers?

Information about supported browsers can be found here.

Can I use SAP Landscape Management Cloud to manage SAP workloads currently managed by SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition to start optimizing cloud spending?

Yes. For SAP workloads running on IaaS from cloud providers supported by SAP Landscape Management Cloud, we recommend using the functionalities in SAP Landscape Management Cloud regarding cost and energy optimization.

What are the supported identity providers? How do I get one?

SAP Landscape Management Cloud supports two identity providers:

  • Identity Authentication
  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory

If you have purchased Identity Authentication, you can use this (subject to your license agreement). In addition, we will bundle it as part of SAP Landscape Management Cloud. When purchased as part of a bundle, usage of the service is limited to SAP Landscape Management Cloud. You can get Microsoft Azure Active Directory from your corporate Microsoft Azure environment.

How do I report problems with SAP Landscape Management Cloud?

Please report an incident ticket in SAP Support Portal using the component reference “BC-VCM-LMC”.

Integration/Third-Party Systems

Is there an integration between SAP Landscape Management Cloud and SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition?

Currently, SAP Landscape Management Cloud can use SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition as a landscape agent. In this case all landscape information on the created pools and discovered SAP systems with their respective instances and VMs are replicated from SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition to SAP Landscape Management Cloud. Furthermore, SAP Landscape Management, enterprise edition is used for monitoring purposes and to execute the start and stop operations.

Can SAP Landscape Management Cloud be used for third-party systems?

Currently, SAP Landscape Management Cloud can only be used with SAP systems.