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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
Last Saturday we had our 5th SAP Inside Track in Wrocław and I could not be more happier about the results!

Kicking off sitWRO with pawelgrzeskowiak - a partner in crime. We tried hard to stick to time in the agenda this year, which was a new concept judging by many empty chairs at 10am 😉

Because of the space restriction we had only 80 tickets, and this year they were all gone in less than 2 days. Unfortunately, we had almost 30 people on the waiting list 😞 and we need to work on that next year, so no one interested in participation is left behind.

Among participants we had (sorry, if missed anyone... pls, correct me in comments):

  • SAP Mentors: kinga.em and 7a519509aed84a2c9e6f627841825b5a

  • SAP Technology Ambassador: karol.kalisz

  • SAP Community Hero: 3a9e4ce873a94034b33dc62b0ce600ee

  • SAP Developer Heroes: jaroslawzdanowski (2015), michal.korzen and 28f4b37a40894f18a22abc696b8154f4 (2016), kinga.em (2017), tomasz.p.wilk (2018)

  • Bloggers from Poland: pawelwiejkut (blog), marek.turczynski (marek.turczynski#content:blogposts), waldemar.falinski (blog) and authors writing for https://SAPUsers.pl/: grzegorz.malewski, przemyslaw.miga2, pawelpawlak, amigom, piotr.krawiec

This year was special, because we joined forces with Polish SAP Users Group. Special thanks to Robert Bosch Sp. z o.o. for the sweet surprise during a coffee break.

But SITs are not meant to be a local event only. We had participants of Belarusian, Danish, German, Russian, Turkish (teşekkür huseyin.dereli for coming from Istanbul!) and Ukrainian nationalities.

So what are the major ingredients
for a successful SAP Inside Track?

Here is my list based on 10 years of experience [yes, it is me on the picture from SIT Palo Alto 2010 organized by markfinnern].

1/ Speakers...

...community folks passionate about sharing their knowledge

Thank you, svea.becker, 3a9e4ce873a94034b33dc62b0ce600ee, jaroslawzdanowski, karol.kalisz, sem, waldemar.falinski, db8ac33b71d34a778adf273b064c4883, iinside, Grzegorz Strus, tomasz.p.wilk, Anna Kieruzel, Jakub Stróżyk, radoslaw.kotowicz, Marcin Słomka, artur.jadwidzic, grzegorz.malewski, michal.korzen, amigom, 7a519509aed84a2c9e6f627841825b5a, 28f4b37a40894f18a22abc696b8154f4 (in order of presentations). You were totally freaking amazing! And that's your Job One 🙂

s.bielecki, sorry you couldn't join, but looking forward to your presentation at some other event.

Some of presenters already shared links to their session slides or recordings at the event page. And more is coming...

2/ Participants...

...open minded and ready to network

3/ Food and coffee...

...do not underestimate their importance

Except for iinside, who only drinks tea. So, have some tea ready. And vegan food. Maxi is vegan, and so might be others.

Last, but not least/ Supporters...

...as even our community still loves no-cost events and free swag

Thank you, Capgemini Wrocław and SAP Community (especially you, svea.becker for joining in person), for financial and organisational support!!

Thank you, Espresso Tutorials, for sponsoring book prizes and free online trial! joergsiebert, too bad I haven't convinced you or Martin to join us in Wrocław; but maybe next time.

Enriching SIT experience

SIT as an unconference is still primarily about putting your mouth to work: speaking, networking, eating. But it is important to enhance this experience by having following two activities to engage your hands too.

SAP CodeJam

One way to give your hands some work is coding. And that's why we had two CodeJams the day before:

  1. for software engineers: Cloud Application Programming Model with node.js – by my great colleagues dj.adams.sap and iinside,

  2. for data engineers: data pipelines modelling with SAP Data Hub – by truly yours.

Pre-/post get-together

Drink-up, biesiada, stammtisch... No matter how you call it, it is good for your hand to move some glasses while enjoying a company of fellow community members and chatting about all thing technology related... or not. No matter the number of people, no matter the place. Just have some fun 🙂

It's been six years... and we are just starting!

Yes, it has been six years since my first attempt to organize SAP Inside Track in Poland. It failed the first time as only three persons signing up. But I am really proud to see where we got now - step by step - with SIT in Wrocław.

And I am even more proud to see more cities joining the movement:

  • Warsaw's date has been announced: September 21. Thanks Former Member for the initiative, and I am glad you have annejohnson and 7a519509aed84a2c9e6f627841825b5a by your side!

  • At the end of the SIT we had a quick discussion with people from Poznań about having a SIT there next year. And we had a similar chat with michal.krawczyk2 earlier. So, there is a good chance for that to happen.

See you next time at 6th sitWRO! In the meantime, join our local SAP Community Meetups (with 720 members and growing), if living in Wrocław or visiting our city often.

-Vitaliy (aka @Sygyzmundovych)

PS. The complete photo-story can be found here. Please share yours there as well.
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