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Community Manager
Community Manager

When we move the blogging content from the current community to the groups platform during the January migration, we'll be moving to a new blogging tool as well. 

On the current community, we use WordPress. The groups platform comes from Khoros, and its blogging functionality is built in. 

If you'd like to get to know the Khoros blogging tool, you can try it for yourself already -- just as long as you have a profile on the groups platform. (There's still time to sign up prior to migration. Here's how to get started.)  

The tool itself is fairly straightforward. When creating a post (called articles in the Khoros tool), you'll enter a subject line, a teaser (optional), and the body. 


You'll also need to select SAP Managed Tags (as you do now in the current community), plus you'll be able to provide labels (some of which might be suggested to you, depending on where you attempt to publish content), and user tags. As an example, here's what you'll see if you wish to blog in the Newtown Square location group that I manage. (Shameless plug!) 


You'll find more information about tagging and blogging in the Help section of the community groups, and we'll be adding more information to this area as we get closer to the migration -- to reflect the changes that are coming. We'll also be launching a new tutorial in early January, and new members who wish to blog will need to take this tutorial to receive blogging permissions. We'll cover that topic more in an upcoming post about changes to the community's gamification system. 

Once you're familiar with the blogging tool (and have the necessary permissions), you'll need to select where you want to publish within the community: the groups (such as the previously mentioned Newtown Square group) or one of the product areas that will be available after the migration. 


Each of these areas will have two blogging sections: one for SAP, one for the rest of the community. You should choose whichever one applies to you.  

Here's what you'll see within the Technology area (last selection shown above), for example: 


You'll have several options for submitting or publishing a blog post. One common option: From many areas within the site (such as the main community landing page), you'll see a blue "Create a Post" button: 


Clicking that button defaults to the tool for starting a discussion:  


But if you want to blog, you still can post through this path. Simply go to the "Selection Location" dropdown, then click "Show All…" 


From there, you can navigate to areas where you can blog -- as long as you have access. (For example, some groups are private, so you won't see them as options until you join them.) 

To continue with an earlier example: If I (as an SAP employee) wanted to blog within the Technology area, I would follow these steps. After clicking "Show All…," I would select "Technology," then "Technology Blogs by SAP," as shown below, to get to the blogging tool for that area:  


I can also go directly to that Technology area, following the navigation I had shown earlier. Here's that image again… 


If I click on "Technology Blogs by SAP," I'll see an option for starting a blog post in the "Blog Dashboard." (Not part of SAP? You'll see the blue button for starting a blog post in the "Technology Blogs by Members" as well.) 


The process is similar within the groups. Let's go back to my Newtown Square group (another shameless plug!) as an example. If you've joined this group, you can select "Start a Discussion" or "Write a blog post" from the main page: 


You'll also find a dashboard within the blogging area of groups with blogging options. You can start blogging directly from there -- although the groups don't distinguish between "by Members" and "by SAP," so you won't have to indicate which applies to you. 

Keep in mind that, depending on your rank within the new community, you may not be able to publish blog posts directly. The SAP Community moderation team will continue to review posts (submitted within the "by Members" sections) from new members until these members achieve the necessary privileges to post directly. (We're working out a new process for "by SAP" posts, and we'll share with our colleagues internally once it's been finalized.)  

If your post needs to go through moderation, please note that the moderation team may require up to five business days to conduct each review.

Even members with blogging privileges may not be able to publish directly to groups -- as group owners/curators have the right to decide whether submissions are an appropriate fit. (For example, if someone tries to publish a blog post to the Newtown Square group, I'll need to review it for relevancy, regardless of the blogger's standing within the community. So you must select "Submit for Review," as shown below.) 


If you do submit a blog post, you'll need to track its progress within the area/group for which you submitted. (As noted here, we're still working on the notifications related to the review cycle.) 

You can recall a post (if you wish to edit or if you no longer want to publish) or check its status (e.g., Submit for Review, Draft) via the "View All Drafts" link of the "Blog Dashboard," which also shows how many submissions you have for that area/group. 


After clicking "View All Drafts," you'll see the status, version number, and other information: 


By clicking on the submission's title, you can check the history of the submission to see whether a group owner, curator, or moderator provided feedback -- explaining that the post has been rejected or outlining what steps are necessary to qualify for publication. 


You just need to click "View History," as seen above, to get these details: 


Since the platform doesn’t provide a single area where you can track all drafts, you'll need to monitor the dashboards for the groups/areas where you submitted content individually. For example, if I submitted a blog post for review for the Newtown Square group and another for the "Technology Blogs by SAP" section of the Technology area, I would need to check the dashboards for each to monitor the progress of my drafts. 

We hope you'll enjoy the blogging experience in the community, and you're free to blog now by becoming a groups member prior to migration. We always appreciate when our members share their knowledge and perspective, and we look forward to your contributions in our new home! 


Active Contributor
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> Since the platform doesn’t provide a single area where you can track all drafts, ...

Enhancement request?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @JimSpath:

We have to come up with a more formal process/system for capturing improvement requests. (We had been directing people here: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/welcome-corner-discussions/ask-and-comment-about-the-community-p....)

In this case, though, it's unlikely we could consider this enhancement request. It would change the functionality of the entire core platform, delivered by another vendor. Perhaps it's something we can explore though. It just doesn't strike me as possible.

Kind regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

 "... unlikely we could consider this enhancement request"

Ah, well, if no one asks it definitely won't happen. #IdeaPlace 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


How can I correct typos in a blog, once it is published. I don't find the "edit" button any more



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


Like Horst, I am also trying to find edit/delete options for blogs. 



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

HI @jerryjanda!

Quick question for you. Is there any documentation on the editing of a blog? For example, I am having issues applying colors to my table's and wanted to see if there was any help info on those things.

Much Thanks,



Hi @jerryjanda : How to re-share the blog on social media platforms?




Hello, is there a platform or inbox where we can leave feedback for the new community blog design? 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @retired_member and @fmaginley:

You can't delete content, but you should be able to edit content. The edit option should be the first thing you see in the pulldown (down arrow) above the timestamp on your content (in the upper-right corner for all content).

I just ran a test on the staging site, using my non-admin account, and I was able to edit without any issues -- and that account has basic permissions. So I can't imagine why your live accounts wouldn't have the same privileges.

Please reach out to community@sap.com with screenshots if you're still having trouble editing, and we'll look into the matter further.

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Oh my, yes ...

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


it is not possible to change the  border color and background color of the table.

After inserting a table I used the table properties to enter an HTML color:


It doesn't work if I want to save or preview the blog:



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi jerryjanda

cc @AmandaJMurphy @meganhoy 

There seems to be some missing functionality:

- share button (I understand copying the link is the only possibility. Having a share button that allows tracking how many times the blog was shared sounds like a basic capability)

- number of views (navigating them in chronological order without having a filter by label/tag is not a user-friendly option)

- many links on the community landing page, e.g. link towards all blogs, all Q&A etc are broken. 

@jerryjanda Can you please advice if the missing functionality will be included in a later release and whether the broken links will be automatically repaired? 

e.g. https://community.sap.com/topics/cloud-analytics?ct=blog&lng=en&tab=content


Thank you



Is there a dedicated contact or the like (ticket component, distribution list, etc.) if blog posts should be removed from public because the respective product or cloud service is no longer available and the person who posted the blog is no longer with SAP or is not responding to the removal request? As part of SAP's product or cloud service sunset processes we - the sunset coaches and sunset leads - are more often than not confronted with this kind of situation. Any support here would be appreciated.

Thanks, Dirk

Active Contributor

@DLU - re reporting stale content, you could email the moderators, or you can click the "down arrow" icon on the post and report "inappropriate" content directly. Explain the logic, and send!




Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @Andrew_Ford:

The new blogging platform only supports basic html, so I'm afraid there is no documentation available to cover the things that you're requesting. We are suggesting that all members keep their posts as simple as possible, as over the years (and across multiple platforms), some bloggers have tried html customization, copying odd formatting over from Word docs, etc., and that's why some posts look a little strange post-migration -- because they just didn't translate well into the new platform. If members stick to the basics of what's possible in the current platform, the content should continue to look as best as possible for years to come.

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @0012anirban:

You asked this question in multiple threads. Since we're getting so many questions and comments, we kindly ask that you ask once and be patient, as we will require some time to get caught up -- and having to process the same question just slows us down.

To answer your question: I'm afraid this platform no longer supports sharing directly to social media. Since I routinely share my posts (such as this What's New post) via my social channels, I copy the URL post and share that way.

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @ch_salwitzek:

We're capturing feedback left here, but if you're interested in internal SAP channels, please reach out to me via email.

Kind regards,



Hi There, any documentation on the editing of a blog?

For example, I am having issues applying colors to my table's and wanted to see if there was any help info on those things.






One question one to navigate to view all the blog posts on chronological order. In the earlier version, when we access blogs.sap.com takes us to all the blogs listed in chronological order.

Is there a way to access all the blogs on chronological order.

Please guide

Thanks & Regards,

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @Alecsandra (and cc @AmandaJMurphy @meganhoy, since they were cc:ed):

In answer to your questions:

1) The sharing function is unavailable on this platform. There are no plans to introduce it.

2) We're aware of the issue with page views, and we are working to address that. I don't know when it will be available at this time.

3) I'm unaware of whether it's possible to fix the links automatically on the topic pages. Thus far, I believe it's been a manual process, and page owners should have the ability to edit their pages again. That being said, I have forwarded your questions about topic pages to a colleague who supports this area to see if he can offer more insights/assistance. (Update: For the two broken links you mentioned, as previously communicated, it is no longer possible to link to tag-based Q&A and blog feeds. There is one general tag feed: https://community.sap.com/t5/c-khhcw49343/SAP+Analytics+Cloud/pd-p/67838200100800006884. We will look at a way to provide sorting by content type in the tag feed, but it's currently not possible.)

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @DLU:

Please don't use "report inappropriate content," per @JimSpath's feedback. We have a very specific process set up for colleagues to address the scenario you described.

You'll find "Guidelines for removing a blog post" on our internal SharePoint site for employees. Please follow those instructions for handling posts about sunset products.

If you can't find the instructions, please reach out to moderators@sap.com and refer to this comment so they understand your request. They should be able to assist you.

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


Does anyone know if it is possible to create anchor links within a blog? This was really beneficial in my release blogs so users could jump around to the section most relevant to them.

Additionally, every time I try to edit a previous blog, I get this HTML error and it will not let me make any updates. Does anyone have a work around?

Screenshot 2024-02-04 191756.png

I've been contacted by other authors that their embedded videos have been removed from their blogs. I am trying to insert a public link to a video published on video.sap.com and the following error pops up. Is it no longer possible to embedded videos from video.sap.com? 

Screenshot 2024-02-05 094543.png



cc: @Alecsandra 



I have 2 questions following the recent migration:

  1. View Count Availability: Previously, we were able to track the views, likes, and comments on our unit blog posts. However, post-migration, the view count is no longer accessible. Could you please provide insight into whether there are plans to reinstate this feature?

  2. API/Web Service for Metrics: Currently, our method for obtaining metrics involves web scraping, which is not an ideal solution. It would be great if there were plans to implement an API or web service that we could utilise for obtaining metrics more efficiently. Are there any considerations for introducing such a feature?

Thank you!


Former Member
0 Kudos


Post January migration , I lost blogging access and I see my own blog is not showing under me rather it changed to "former_member39469". Under this can you please let me know how i get my blogging access back ( i already complete my tour in community ) :

Previous Blog URL : https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-blogs-by-members/ha-dr-architecture-on-sap-shared-file-syste...



Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hello @Former Member - we can help you, please send us an email at community@sap.com

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Anne 

Thanks a lot for your reply. I already sent mail with reminder. Please check my mail from ****REMOVED BY MODERATION****. Please help me to get my access and Blog back.






Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @zfiori :

We have high-level instructions on how to prepare blog posts (e.g., https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/what-you-need-to-know-about-blogging-post-migration/ba-p/309...), but we don't offer anything beyond that. As noted in this new post (https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla... -- see section about blog formatting), the new editor has basic html capabilities, and we don't recommend that users try to do anything beyond what the system supports.  

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @KAnandh:

It's not possible to get a feed of posts based on tag chronologically, but if you want a feed of ALL blog posts in chronological order, you can access that here: https://community.sap.com/t5/forums/recentpostspage/post-type/thread/interaction-style/blog.

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @meganhoy (and this time cc:ing cc: @Alecsandra 

I believe you may have already gotten these answers, but just in case, I'll close the loop again here.

The issues with formatting are addressed in this post https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla... as well as in materials that we make available on our internal support site for colleagues interested in SAP Community. That same site also explains the situation with videos from SAP's Media Share site. In short, they are no longer supported. 

Kind regards,



Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @POBA :

I address the first question in this post: https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla....

For the second question, I'll reach out to you directly.

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @jerryjanda ,

How can I edit my published blog post, I have to do some updates?

How can I reach the "Blog Dashboard" for it?

Best regards,



Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi @BACKESSI - please send an email to community@sap.com so that we can take a closer look at it. We would need some more information from you that would be better suited in an email. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos


Please do NOT update an old blog post. This is against our policies, and I explain why in a few What's New posts (https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla...https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/why-is-my-content-marked-as-spam/ba-p/13593211), not to mention in several employee-only materials available on our internal community support site.

You should have the ability to edit posts, of course, in case you need to fix typos, and if you follow up via email as @AnnePetteroe suggested, someone from our team will assist you. But if an old post is outdated, please write a new one. 

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi @jerryjanda ,

This is not an old post as you can see in the creation date. I have to do corrections in a new post. I worked together with a colleague (co-author feature is still missing) and published the post during his absence on vacation. When he was back we saw the wrong sentence and a missing part. So I'll write the email additionally. 

Best regards,



Active Contributor

@jerryjanda re "Please do NOT update an old blog post," is it OK to add/fix tags on old posts? (I apologize for ignoring "retagging required" in the past)

Edit: adding tags only seems benign, doesn't send the post to top of current lists.

Active Contributor

Hello, this is my first blog post since the migration, and I had a hard time.

  1. First, I posted as a Discussion, and not as a blog, until I realized I was directed to discussions even if I was navigating blogs.
  2. The window to write the blog is tiny, and I had to move up and down dozens of times, which is more inefficient than the previous one; the tiny button down right does not work (on my current Chrome version; I have not checked other browsers)
  3. After a few minutes, my blog was marked as spam; I just saw another blog about this. I will have to wait.
  4. I don't see the progress of my generated content; I can't check the status of what happened to the content generated on Saturday.
  5. The blogs are on a grey background, different from the previous white. We will need to do things to pictures so they look nice, and it will be hard to adapt all of them into vectorial.

I will try to post the content as "Discussion" and see if it makes a difference until the blogs get some fixes... if I am able to recover my posted and spammed blog, since it dissapeared.

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @JimSpath:

No easy answer for that one, I'm afraid.

Once you begin editing a migrated post, even if it's just to change a tag, it could affect the formatting -- depending on whether you used advanced html, copied over special formatting from a Word doc, and so on.

If it's a simple post where you're not terribly concerned about the look of it, I'd recommend you clean up the tags. (I lean toward fixing tags in general, as long as you can like with some potentially funky formatting.)

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @MarioDeFelipe:

Thank you for the feedback. Yes, there is a post about our spam filter (https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/why-is-my-content-marked-as-spam/ba-p/13593211), but it appears your content is no longer in spam. However, it also appears that you published your post twice, and that is a violation of our Rules of Engagement (https://pages.community.sap.com/resources/rules-of-engagement😞 Unacceptable content includes "[p]osts that are of duplicate content, whether from a single account or across multiple accounts from the same user, within the community." (Keep in mind that most members will likely find your content through tagging, so it isn't necessary to select a category and a group for the same post.) 
Beyond that, I can offer some tips:

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi @jerryjanda,

is it correct, that in order to receive email-notification about comments posted to our own blogs, we must use the "Subscribe" menu item and enable it for all our blogs? After migration I don't receive any emails about new comments in my blogs.

Another question: it is currently not possible to reply to the particular comment. In the blogs with many comments it becomes very confusing to understand which reply relates to which comment. Is it planned to support this in the future?

Kind Regards,

0 Kudos

Interesting design 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @OlgaDolinskaja:

There have been some issues with subscriptions. I offer some workarounds in this post (https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla...) while we investigate a more permanent solution, but I'm unaware of anyone not getting notifications for their own content. You may need to go into this area of "My content" and make sure you haven't turned any notifications off: https://community.sap.com/t5/user/myprofilepage/tab/user-subscriptions. You can also check email formatting, etc.

Other members have also requested threaded comments. I'll add your feedback to theirs, but I don't know of any plans to add this feature at this time.

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

can't wait to try this

0 Kudos

What are the prerequisites or what is the process to get the rights to write or collaborate on a blog post?

At the moment I am getting "You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action.Click your browser's Back button to continue." error message after I have clicked on the "Create Blog" button.



Update: I've just been able to find the answer to my question. I didn't reach the proper rank as a community member, and by increasing my activity in the community I now are able to start writing my own blog entries.

Update: I've been able to find the answer. I needed to become more active in the community, so my 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Team,

I am unable to edit my blog-post. With the new platform all the alignment has gone wrong and I am unable to edit, could you please help me here?

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @Dimpu:

Yes, it's still possible to edit blog content. If you aren't sure how, we do have a couple how-to videos in the Blogs section that might help: https://pages.community.sap.com/resources/how-to-videos.

But, as I explained in the Blog Formatting Post-Migration section here (https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla...), you shouldn't try to edit old content to fix formatting. If you do so, you could introduce additional problems, and you may end up triggering our spam filter (as noted here: https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/why-is-my-content-marked-as-spam/ba-p/13593211).

Kind regards,


0 Kudos


but how can i filter the blogs which recent published? 


Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @javier_rp1:

We address that topic in this post: https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla... (section: Feeds by publication date (not just recent activity)). For now, we have created videos that might help you use search to find recently published blog posts: https://pages.community.sap.com/resources/how-to-videos.

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Jerry, I completed Tour the SAP Community 2024 tutorial and earned its badge. Still my "create a blog" button is deactive. Is there something I can do for? Thank you.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

@myenilmez where are you trying to write your post?

0 Kudos

Hi @craigcmehil , I am trying to create blog from here: https://community.sap.com/t5/blogs-about-sap-websites/bg-p/website-blog
Am I wrong?

Thanks  for the answer.blog.jpg