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Update: January 14, 2015 *the badge mission is over but the work and contribution continue.... Thanks for Caring, Giving and Inspiring in Support of Doctors Without Borders / Medicins Sans Fronti...

Update: July 1, 2014

Many people have already received their 'I Care' and 'I Gave' badges - which is great because it shows how thoughtful and passionate this community is about doing something great together.  But have you signed up to be an inspiration?


The ‘I Inspire’ badge is earned when 3 other people each make a donation to MSF via our community fundraiser page.  To make sure you  get ‘credit’ for this, your friends and family should put your SCN UserName in the ‘Comments’ section of the donation page.

Last year, perhaps the most famous Challenge came from clint.vosloo who volunteered to do 5 burpees for every dollar donated on his behalf.  And he made good on his promise, the proof is out there on Youtube for everyone to enjoy.   I believe Clint raised $150.00 for MSF, but the sport of watching his 'burpee' videos was priceless.

So if you’re wondering how to participate even more, let me try to give you some concrete steps.

  1. Edit the document and enter your name as a ‘Participant’ as well as what your particular ‘challenge’ will be.  (Don’t forget to SAVE the document!)
  2. Reach out (emails, tweets, FB, or if you want to go Old School, phone calls and actual letters!) to your family and friends to ask for their support.
  3. If they don’t have access to SCN (some of us actually do have people in our lives who are not on SCN J) then you can edit the document again when they have made the donation in your name.  I noticed that one member entered ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ as his sponsors – and as a parent, I am very well accustomed to helping my kids out with their fundraisers. 
  4. And this one is even more fun – write a blog about what you did/are doing.  Why are you doing it?  Are you walking 3 miles a day for your own health?  That’s wonderful!  Do you think, while you are walking, that you are also helping fight the outbreak of Ebola that is happening NOW in West Africa, or helping to treat displaced persons in the turmoil of Iraq today?   How did this feel?  Whatever your particular challenge is (or challenges, because of course, you can do more than one), we want to know about it!
  5. Since this #sapcc challenge (not the ASUG Challenge, not the SAPPHIRENOW Challenge, and not the d-Code Challenge) this will go on for some time – probably until the late fall.  So you don’t need to be present at an actual conference in order to participate – we can all participate virtually. 

Sue KeohanConsume a Sazerac at ASUGMarilyn PrattSteve Rumsby

Tammy Powlas

Walk 3000 steps OUTSIDE the convention centermyselfSue Keohan

Sue Keohan

I will do something ELSE! mwahhahahaJamie Oswald

Jeanne Carboni

I will work out 5 times per week until the event is over (and maybe keep it going afterwards).myselfjason.cao

anthony%40enovestI made a $50 donation and challenge others to do the samemyself


I will Photoshop (MS Paint, actually) myself into any photo you send me, for any pledge of $10 or over (email me your choice of photo).Sue Keohan


I will contribute 1 dollar for every content rich summary or takeaway blog of ASUG/Sapphire produced during the event and tagged #SAPCC   (content rich= likes, significant comments,high views, commendations by moderators/mentors)Sue KeohanLaure Cetin


I will donate one dollar per attendee who attends the Security and Internal Controls SIGs joint Community Meeting on Wednesday at 12:30 PM.myself

Jon Reed

I will donate $1 for every mile I walk during the week (which should be a lot given the convention floor).


I will try to walk 3 miles every daymyselfYassine Ben Abdelkader
karen.rodriguesI will give one hour per week to teach English to a student that need help with it.myselfeduardo.chagas
fatih.aydinI will try to help my problemsmyselfmomdad

I will ask any friends and family to donate to MSF for my birthday.  This is directly inspired by phil.loewen - who did the same thing last year.

Actually, I am stepping up my game. I happen to share a birthday with another well-known (well, in his own mind) SCN member, ASUG Volunteer, and Friend.  I am going to challenge him to an EPIC BIRTHDAY SMACKDOWN.  greg.myers3 - Can you hear me?   I'm making an entry in this table for you, and we'll see who can bring it for Doctors Without Borders.

jarret.pazahanickoswaldxxlSally Rice (Sue's mom) donated $500 because she really loves ME best. (Ha ha, just kidding, if my siblings are reading this)

I will plan to run at least 15 miles during my time at D-Code!


myself(fill in your name here!)(fill in your name here!)

Me and my wife will teach a needy child in educational (Maths, Science, Hindi, English) and behavioral subjects for 1-2 hours a week back here in India

(Inspired by karen.rodrigues)

rajkumarnarasimmanLet me do some thing elsemyself

I will be participating in 'Hair for Hope' charity event by going 'bald' on 27 July 2014, it is an event to raise fund for Children's Cancer Foundation in Singapore. Please give me courage and support by  donating to MSF.

Enclosed link below for your perusal.

Hair For Hope | Children's Cancer Foundation

mukesh.kumar9I will help in any context to othersMy self
greg.myers3EPIC BIRTHDAY SMACKDOWNGreg Myersoswaldxxlandrew.fox3
alessandr0I made a donation already and looking for more support. Beside that I have two sponsored childs in the Philippines and my mum got a sponsorship as a birthday present this year. It's far from an usual birthday present, but she was super surprised (the positive way) and finds the idea awesome. She already got some letters from her godchild and (as everyone knows women like to chat) she let's everyone know and is always looking forward to the next letter. It doesn't matter how you help, it's more important that you do.myself

Please give me courage and support by Foundation for Children with Leukemia of Turkey

Why Donate:

LÖSEV is a non-profit NGO, mainly aiming to provide educational and emotional support, financial assistance and health services for children who have leukemia or chronic blood disorders, in order to help them cope with a life-threatening illness.  Other goals are to promote knowledge and provide instruction on an international level regarding acquired and inherited blood diseases, as well as establish and operate research institutions.

Every year in Turkey we see 1200 - 1500 new cases of children diagnosed with leukemia. Families with limited financial resources may be forced to make a difficult decision-that of choosing to support their healthy child, or their child who has leukemia. LÖSEV helps to shoulder this unexpected financial burden. However, not only does it aim to provide income for these little heroes, it also endeavours to communicate the problems of our children and their families to society in order to create awareness of leukemia.

steffi.warneckeInspiring artists clearly inspire Steffi.  Check this out:  Buy a shirt & get feeling good about yourself for free!
prashanth.konduruI made 20$ donation and ask others to donate for the good cause.Myself
plimdelondresI made a small donation and will add more later in the month when I get paid! I also inspired my son to give up his pocket money and also my retired mother to donate.  I also encourage everyone to spare some time online to help volunteer for the United Nations (who work closely with MSF) at: https://www.onlinevolunteering.org/en/vol/index.htmlMorgan LinlyeMagdelene Lim (retired)Ethan Lim (Phil's son)

Having just completed my first month at SAP Dublin and received my first pay cheque , I made a donation to "Doctors without Borders" to assist with training of Doctors and personnel.

This is to show my gratitude for the training and guidance I have been received from my colleagues within SAP.

I would urge everyone to make a SMALL contribution, which will make a BIG difference to Doctors without Borders.

MyselfSAP NewbiesTHE WORLD
moshe.naveh2Walk without borders: I will walk 1 km for each 5 $ donated and will upload pictures to Twitter while doing so:)Sue KeohanMomMyself
macgyverczFor each cent anybody sent on my behalf I will ride 1km on a bike, do 1 push-up, do 1 sit-up and do 1 squat. For example 1$ means 100 of each. Read more on my personal blog My personal challenge for 2015

I hope you will join me in this Community Challenge. 

Together we can be some of the 'helpers' that the world so desperately needs.

Most importantly, besides the FUN of participating in this challenge, is the fact that together the members of SAP Community Network and their loved ones will know that they have donated to an organization which provides desperately needed medical care.  MSF provides assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters, and...  For all that the medical staff and volunteers at MSF do, we should be truly grateful.

I think it’s going to be fascinating to read peoples’ #SAPCC blogs, and learn their motivation behind their individual challenges.  I’m really hoping that you do too.  (Remember to tag your blog with #sapcc - that's part of marilyn.pratt's challenge!)

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