I have been trying to find ways on how to use the community better but could not be more inclined to share some notes which I thought would be useful for the community.These are some of my
Go-To Blogs to help navigate the community in a better way
If you see some issues in trying to navigate the community check the reported bugs and see if yours is listed and what’s the status hopefully it should be fixed soon
If not then try to create a new Q& A and start with Bug: as the prefix in the heading. This will help to identify your issue as the new bug being reported and would be picked up by one of the SAP moderators or the Forum team (and yes they are really quick at doing so ) and they either might clarify your understanding or add it to the bug list (if it truly is a bug). Also remember to have the primary tag on it as Using SAP.COM.
If however it does not seem like a bug but probably a new idea that you have stumbled upon and you think it can help make the community space better in terms of functionality or UI then go ahead and submit your idea in the link below. The idea place now has a huge list of constantly growing ideas on how the community can be made a better place for the users.
If however you do not have an idea, then also I recommend you should check the link so you may want to have a look at what ideas others are suggesting and upvote to encourage or get a functionality which you think you found there and you would want as well.
One of the recent ones I submitted which seemed like a huge UI issue is as below if you agree please support by upvoting
I found this link quite useful for understanding on how the tags concept work. Although the excel in there is not something I am using. I prefer to search and type for the content that I am looking for rather than book marking all the tags and then tracking them individually. But this is how it seems to be working.
Another useful blog which explains the above in a much better way.
What I think about the new community ? I honestly don’t have very nice thoughts about my experience of new community but will try my best to think objectively and would like to be fairly open minded to try a new thing and not resist the CHANGE as they say ‘Change is the only constant thing ’
- I honestly think if it had not been SAP but a smaller company which had things going in its favor and drastically changed its UI to something like this it would have really not seen the light of the day. With so many dedicated moderators , users and SAP admins trying their best to make this work it is now gaining popularity and I am sure will be accepted soon for the love of SAP that people have.
- I appreciate the relentless and undying efforts of moderators, admins , users to ensure all queries are answered and like all other things a meticulous approach is followed to help resolve the concerns soon. So if you are facing an issue in trying to figure out or if you are a bit lost just like me post a Q & A and get yourself more familiar with the tool as honestly I read a lot of comments by admins and moderators that we are not going back to the older version hence better to adapt and survive 🙂
- I feel there could have been some more efforts done by SAP and the team members to launch a more stable and better version of the platform. The current one still seems to be like we are using a BETA version and constantly being the tester to find out newer bugs and issues and then reporting it as an idea and those are not truly ideas but actually bugs when we compare it with the older version.
Things which changed drastically
- Changes from Correct And helpful to ACCEPT and LIKE. So if a new user submits an answer to your query you can accept the answer and if the user chooses to comment you can LIKE IT. The other users can LIKE it as well
- No points for blogging anymore
- No breakup of Karma points atleast as of now and some missions and coming up soon along with Reputation score and expertise score. I read more about this at the below link ;
- No Bookmark feature , no Top Liked content section for the month or for the day
- No more documents all technical documents and non-technical ones go in BLOGS section
Not so many things as we had in the older version (Read Not that much fun anymore) but still gearing up and I hope I would get myself familiarized soon and come up to pace with it.Taking my first step is posting this blog which is the first one after we migrated and now preparing for the next technical one which is what I am better at.
On a closing note I am not trying to criticize anything or anyone. These are just my personal opinions about using the new platform
Also I know it’s not about points or getting acknowledged but I would like it to be more motivating for me. Seeing my points increase was surely a good thing.I am still a very selfless person (maybe not that much) with the purpose of helping others but still 'Human' and getting acknowledged for everything I did blogs , documents , comments and answers felt good.
Do share your comments or feedback and thanks for taking time to read.