Welcome Corner Blog Posts
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So for a long time I've wondered where have people gone?  Not really a number count.  Not really activity.  It's just a feeling.  A feeling that where is that "magic" gone to?  Is it youtube, github, linkedin???  Where has that passion gone?

You, yes, you reading this...  You must have something to say.  I'm 100% sure of it.  It may be Michelle you are very wrong.  (And I hope you add why I'm wrong)  Or you are right - the community is awesome, let's make it better.

So I've read adopt a newbie, It's a good read.  I've received a lot of help by reading comments on blogs.  SAP Web IDE is the way to go. I received the answer from two sources, testing your SAPUI5 application  was one of them.  I received a good response from a question I tried to answer but could only point the person in a direction and then brain storm with them.  Coffee corner generates a lot of fun things like what do you drink coffee or tea.   So where did it go?  It's still here.  It never left.  You just have to dig a little bit.  People are still responding, interacting, and are happy to hear other opinions.

The problem is there is less out there in a bigger environment.  There used to be a lot more in a much smaller environment SDN.  We were helping, moving forward and making a difference.  Hey - that sounds a lot like my previous paragraph.

The problem is old vs. new.  Right? I may not care about Fiori if my company doesn't use it.  But if since I have just started, I'm really loving the help.  Wait - there are still blogs on good 'ole ABAP, testing ABAP, ABAP objects.  So that magic is still here.

Youtube, Github, Twitter Linkedin can and in some cases do link back to here.

Magic - that's what I've heard it called.  So do you know what a mentor is?  Gosh, I hope so.  Those are people whose job description is nothing more than to help.  Oh yes, I know they do a lot more.  But that is magic too - right?  You don't have to pay for their help they are just here.

Wait! You are thinking.  I'm not a mentor.  Why should I help?  Why not?  Knowledge is power, lets spread it around.  IF you think "I'm not sure I know how to answer that question".  See above neither am I at times.  OK more times than not, I can't give a complete answer.  If you find something that will save you some time while reading, asking questions, etc.  Then why not use a fraction of the time you saved to add to the community?

So I submit to you.  YOU are the community.  You would not be here if the magic was gone.  I think it's just well hidden.  And you need to look for it.

Enjoy and look for those unicorns they are here.  And everyone who is at Teched.  I'm sure there are a lot of jealous people.  When you get a chance - blog about what's going on.  We've got tweets, replays, and more out there....  We just have to look.

And now - now I'm off my soapbox.  It's time for you to tell me I'm crazy and WHY.  Or tell me you agree with me somewhat and WHY.  That why is so important.  Yes, the platform isn't great.  But that isn't really a why.  Is the magic still here?  The magic where someone you don't even know helps you out.  And that help is FREE.

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