We are excited to share this group with all SAP Community members. You are most welcome to this friendly space where introductions happen, connections are made, and lively discussions take place!
So, what can you expect here, and what do we expect from you?
1) To feel welcome and introduce yourself! We want to hear from YOU – please don’t be shy, we have a wonderful welcoming community spirit here and plan to keep it that way – why not join in the following discussions to get started and let us know a little about you:
- New or not to the SAP Community, share your story!
- SAP Community - Where are you from?
2) To take part and discuss! Whether you’re a newcomer or a valued veteran we encourage you to subscribe to this group and get active. Who knows, you might just be that missing “spark” that will set off some lively discussions. You can get started by joining the following discussion – or even feel free to start your own thread.
- Can you remember the first time you heard of SAP?
3) To get tips from other members! We want you to get the most out of your time spent on SAP Community – so get to know how to navigate and what we are all about. Even if you are already familiar, we are continuously improving. We highly recommend that - if you haven't done so already - you take the
Tour the SAP Community 2024 tutorial. You can even earn a badge!
4) To be active! In this new group, and indeed across the SAP Community. You can contribute here by starting a discussion, adding a comment, giving a like or kudos and so on. For further information on groups functionality in general, check out the help page. Be sure to click on "Join Group" in any public group where you are interested to become a member and receive regular updates.

5) To stay up-to-date and informed with "What's New" in SAP Community. Be sure to click on the
What's New board in the top menu bar, and click on "Options -> Subscribe" to hear all the latest news and updates from the community team.

One final ask …. don’t be shy…. but do be kind!
You can check out our SAP Community Rules of Engagement.
Here’s wishing you an enjoyable, welcoming, collaborative and above all engaging time here with us.
Feel free to leave a comment below and tell us why you have joined SAP Community!