Welcome Corner Blog Posts
Go a little bit deeper into the Welcome Corner with blog posts. Learn how to get started in SAP Community and get tips on maximizing your participation.
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Community Advocate
Community Advocate

We are excited to share this group with all SAP Community members. You are most welcome to this friendly space where introductions happen, connections are made, and lively discussions take place!

So, what can you expect here, and what do we expect from you?

1) To feel welcome and introduce yourself! We want to hear from YOU – please don’t be shy, we have a wonderful welcoming community spirit here and plan to keep it that way – why not join in the following discussions to get started and let us know a little about you:
- New or not to the SAP Community, share your story!
- SAP Community - Where are you from?

2) To take part and discuss! Whether you’re a newcomer or a valued veteran we encourage you to subscribe to this group and get active. Who knows, you might just be that missing “spark” that will set off some lively discussions. You can get started by joining the following discussion – or even feel free to start your own thread.
- Can you remember the first time you heard of SAP?

3) To get tips from other members! We want you to get the most out of your time spent on SAP Community – so get to know how to navigate and what we are all about. Even if you are already familiar, we are continuously improving. We highly recommend that - if you haven't done so already - you take the 
Tour the SAP Community 2024 tutorial. You can even earn a badge!

4) To be active! In this new group, and indeed across the SAP Community. You can contribute here by starting a discussion, adding a comment, giving a like or kudos and so on. For further information on groups functionality in general, check out the help page. Be sure to click on "Join Group" in any public group where you are interested to become a member and receive regular updates.


5) To stay up-to-date and informed with "What's New" in SAP Community. Be sure to click on the
What's New board in the top menu bar, and click on "Options -> Subscribe" to hear all the latest news and updates from the community team.


One final ask …. don’t be shy…. but do be kind!
You can check out our SAP Community Rules of Engagement.

Here’s wishing you an enjoyable, welcoming, collaborative and above all engaging time here with us.

Feel free to leave a comment below and tell us why you have joined SAP Community!

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

@VinodM it is great to see you in the community. May I ask your areas of expertise? 


@StephanieMarley  I am a ABAP developer with a experience around 2.5 years. During my experience I have worked on DDIC, Reports, Modularization, Dialog Programming, Adobe forms, Rest API using SAP GUI on ECC and S/4 HANA.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

@VinodM wow, great area! Are you often reading blogs, asking or answering questions? Technology Blogs by Members | SAP Community

I wish you great luck!


Hello, community I am a student from Virginia and even though I am literally a noob I intend to study and learn more about SAP and especially AI. I see that AI content is highly demanded nowadays therefore I decided to enter this forum in order to find information and just chat with old members. I am also enrolled in an openSAP course at my university for beginners like me.

Thanks Katherine and all of you for a warm welcome!


Hi All,

Happy to connect with all of you, This is Sathya. Looking forward to be part of this wonderful community!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Community, 

I like this new platform and hope you all do too. Let's connect to learn and build together with SAP technologies and platform. 

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Welcome to our latest members @EmanuelGraves @SathyaNarayanan @KannanR !!
Thanks for connecting and hope you can gain loads from being a community member!

@EmanuelGraves - if you're interested, you might also want to join the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Group.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

@KatherineKenneally I second your warm welcome to new members @EmanuelGraves @SathyaNarayanan @KannanR it is great to see you in the community. In my typical day I spend time in many product areas and groups. Sometimes I pick a product area and just scroll through blogs to see what members are sharing.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi community! I am so happy to join this group. It is great to have a place to discuss , publish content, and connect with community members!



I'm a new member of this group and i´m a litlle lost jajajaj!!!!

I'm from Argentina and i work in a telecommunication company. I'm an IT Analyst  for HR about your platfomrs.

we use SF for some moduls, and at this time I need to know to change the label of de menu, for exemple, where it says "Seleccion", should read "Seleccion y Desarrollo".

Can you help me with this?

thank a lot!





Hi community.I'm Privaksha .

I look forward to learning and engaging with you.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello @MarinaDB welcome to SAP Community and I am sorry, that you feel lost. Did you do the Tour the Community tutorial already? That tutorial can help you to understand SAP Community better and you can also earn a badge! Furthermore, you can visit the SAP Community FAQ page

I think your question would better fit in the Technology Q&A. There might be more experts there to help you. Be sure, you add the correct tag for SAP SuccessFactors. You can find all SAP managed tags here.

I hope you'll get your answer soon!

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Welcome @Privaksha - and we look forward to your engagement!
Let us know whenever we can support, and please feel free to take part in discussions in any open group or start a discussion of your own. Why not check out our location groups and Coffee Corner for starters?!


Thank you for the welcoming 😄


Hello, I'm Carlos from Barcelona, it will be a pleasure to learn from you here.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello and welcome @CharlyRed - perhaps you already know of and have joined the Barcelona Group?
There you can learn about local SAP Inside Track events and network with others. I've some other interesting links to share with you below:


HI Everyone. 

Good to be here. 

I am completely new to SAP. No IT background either but i have taken up a new role as PA (Product Analyst) designing new low code SAP apps. 

I look foreward to starting with some basics and hopefully know enough so that our developers cant trick me. lol

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

A very warm welcome @Arun2024 - great to have you in SAP Community! You won't get tricked if you regularly visit the Products and Technology boards and the Topic pages (get to know about SAP products)!!

I'd like to share some other interesting links with you:


Thanks Katherine


Hi SAP community,

Happy to join from Paris, France. 🙂

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Happy to have you here in SAP Community @Adeem - maybe you already know about the Paris group? You could connect locally there and learn about events nearby!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Community.

I'm Vitali. I've been developing for SAP for couples of years. My current scope of interests is S4HANA Public Cloud and everything that is related to Steampunk, Key User/Developer Extensibility, BTP, RAP. 

Hope to explore community and find some stuff that inspire me on new development.


Hello everyone,

I'm delighted to have joined this community! One of the reasons I keep coming back is to learn from our featured contributors. Their insights always leave me feeling inspired and eager to learn more. I look forward to engaging in fruitful discussions with all of you.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

That's great @Alisha786 that you get so much value in returning to SAP Community! We'd love to hear from you as well! If you don't want to write blog posts, you can feel free to take part in discussion in our discussion groups (discuss, connect, share). You might also be interested to "meet" some of our influencers.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

My name is Rene, I am delighted to join this community and interact with you!
I wish to discuss basic process analyses, especially SAP Signavio Process Insights, discovery edition.
Kindest regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello @renecedat welcome! Great you found your way to SAP Community.

If you want to follow specific SAP Managed tags, e.g. for Signavio, please check them here: https://community.sap.com/t5/all-sap-managed-tags/ct-p/managed-tags

You can subscribed to these, that means you follow them and you'll get notifications, once there is new content.


Hello Everyone!


I'm excited in joining this group and community.  I am interested in the digital skills initiative for veterans.  Just want to express my interest and see how I go about the process.  Thank you!


Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hi @kduong113 - it's great to have you here in SAP Community! I would highly recommend that you join the Beginner's Corner. You will get great advice there from @David_Chaviano and others. I would also like to direct you to this blog post from David.

Best of luck with your studies!


I am very happy to join this group myself Robert fron India.I am entirely new to this looking forward to learn.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Welcome @Ariseroby! Where are you from in India? You might want to check our location groups in the Asia Pacific region. There are some in India as well and maybe there is one city group, closeby where you live. The idea is that this group helps to connect local people. "Subscribe" to the group, so that you'll get notifications, once there are updates in the group.


I am looking forward to engaging with the SAP community


Hi from Houston!

I've been a SAP back office user for a couple decades and I have honestly fallen in love with it.   I have decided to take the steps to changing my career mid-path, and become an IT SAP employee.   I would love to be efficient with SAP products of all kinds and hope to start my research here.  This is honestly a little exciting and scary at the same time, but I am dedicated to being successful at this. 

0 Kudos


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello @_Gia welcome! Where are you from and what is your center of expertise?
I am Svea from the SAP Community team, working on initiatives for the SAP Community. 

To start in SAP Community, I would like to recommend to subscribe to SAP topic pages, SAP Managed tags or SAP Community Groups - just search for those, which are of most interest for you 🙂


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello @amyb519 thanks for your honest reply. I can understand that it's exciting and scary at the same time... in the beginning it's often a lot. 

Let me give you some insights to SAP Community, which I am convinced will help you, to strengthen your skills. You can start with our SAP topic pages: https://pages.community.sap.com/topics, where information about SAP products are posted. When you subscribe to SAP managed tags: https://community.sap.com/t5/all-sap-managed-tags/ct-p/managed-tags, you'll get notifications once there is new content published. Our SAP Community Interest Groups: https://community.sap.com/t5/interest-groups/ct-p/interests are a great opportunity to connect and exchange with other community members.

I hope this helps!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Everyone!

I am happy to join this group.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi community members! It is great to meet and discuss in this group. I am from Bangalore.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Welcome @abirami_kar and @Babu_Lal_Limba great that you've joined the Welcome Corner! Don't forget to check out our location groups also and join in the local events and conversations there! @Babu_Lal_Limba - you might be interested to join the Bengaluru Group if you haven't already?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Thanks for the welcome 🙂

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for the new platform. Very excited and looking forward to participate and provide alot of contents to the community.

Thank you

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Great to have you here @Ali_Chalhoub - let us know any time you have questions!


Hi! I'm Marissa Gilbert - based in Illinois, USA. 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello @Marissa_Gilbert welcome and nice to meet you.
I would like to recommend some interesting starting points in SAP Community, e.g. the Beginner Corner and the SAP Learning Group. You can ask questions about your learning journey there. The Coffee Corner is more for casual conversations, if you are interested in that. For whatever group you decide, don't forget to "JOIN" the group! Enjoy and let me know if you have questions.


excited to start new conversation with this group!

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Welcome @HarshilShah - please do get involved in any discussion in our open groups! Or even start one of your own. Get involved in some fun off-topic conversations as well, for example - on your next coffee break, you might like to go over to our Coffee Corner and chat about hobbies, travel, favourite movies!! Any community member can start a discussion, providing they abide by our community rules of engagement!!

happy and grateful 😀 to be part of this international community 
Community Advocate
Community Advocate

@HarshilShahand @Manny-D it is great to meet you. May I ask your product areas of interest in the community? Also, please read the influencer blogs at the Influencer Site SAP Influencers Directory | SAP Community

It is great to see everyone engaged on products and topics of interest plus local meetups are fun too! Best of luck!


Hello All Community members,

Happy to be here 😊


Hi Team, Glad to be back to the community...I have created a new account (lost my old id), I'm looking to publish blogs and i have completed "Tour the SAP Community 2024" and I have got the badge. Still im getting this error when i proceed to create the blog "you lack permissions..." Am i missing out anything?
Thanks in advance!


Hello @jenifer_ranjani,

I also faced similar problem as soon as I completed Tour the SAP community 2024, but after 24 hours it allowed me to create a blog post. If you have completed recently then wait for 24 hours. I hope this would help you.


Harshil Shah

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