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Product and Topic Expert
As my colleague oddss shared in her first installment of this blog post series, we publish a weekly shout-out to Community members who have earned a mission the week prior. The list covers all missions earned Monday through Sunday (midnight to midnight, UTC).

Since last week, we have two additions to our Avid Bloggers group in SAP Community: ruchi.tandon and stefan.walz. Follow their profile and read more around the topics of SAP SuccessFactors platform in general and SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Another great blogging mission that got completed last week is that of Skillful Blogger! jitendrakumar.kansal's latest blog post on Moving to Multi-Channel with Mobile Development Kit earned him his new badge. Follow Jitendra to explore more around mobile development kit client.

Want to see all of the missions that are available for you to complete, as well as the ones you have already earned? Visit the #missions in your profile. Want to know more about SAP Community missions and how to earn them? See the Missions and Badges Overview page.

Now please join me in congratulating the following Community members who completed missions and earned badges last week!

Members who completed missions and earned badges from October 26 – November 1, 2020:

953009821 kunjshukla
100391804619 lakshmipathi.ganesan
abedinzadeh_mahdi2 lingaiahvanam
abhijit.gupta4 liviarsm
abishankar luciano.klostermann
adiputera mahendranorkla
adriano.mittestainer maheshkumar.palavalli
ahmed.jaweed mahmoud.abuelfadl
akaleti maksym_bondarenko
akhilrao marc_zieschank
alex.liu2 marcel_jacobs
alexander.rieth2 marco.scheuermann
alexandercroll maria.cosar
alexandra.olariu markus._.jakob
amani12 marspark
amirandam.sap.mx martin_74
amitdudhbade martin.dedina
amrismail2026 martin.holmnielsen3
andreas.h1027 martin.hubalek79
andreasl00 mateuszadamus
andreeagligorrrr 10e66615cb594ae99c057164ad22fc5f
anjikumar.pasumarthy2 melicromosini
anton.mavrin michael.hill
antoniusprabowojati21 michele.marini
aramraje milindbaviskar
ararnold minesh.patel
artemy.gevorkov mneyra.2014
arun02.12 mragpavkum
arunyesodharan mridulsh
ashuklacplus mrivaplata
asinharoy mschaeufler
aslamlabib94 muddasir89
asmitajain mukesh.sharma18
ayman.salem navneet_ahlawat
ayuwandono nbcarib
baiming_gao nich4704
barin.desai nicmar
beppino21 obutz-all-for-one
berry.gibson olga.annenko
biplob omaghe
bjoern.freitag omar.nasr
brahms86 pankaj_gupta2
brindavan.mokaiah param0308
bsnorrason paula.kelly2
c.stasila perruneweimoth
carina.vm peter-de
carlos_urban peterpersiel
cccpg03 phanbaduc
chathia philippe.gnadou
chayanin.c philipphuebner
chb231913 prabhumuthiah
chenghang prasad.mandre
chetali praveenkumartv
chj01 priti.dhingra
christianek. prot0067
christoph.tillmann puneet.puri5
christophe.bernard raghavanbindhu
chsreekanth88 rajesh_neemkar
claudia.mandelli rajesh2953
cokecola ramkumar.sethurao
cristiano.charro96 rgaluschka
cschaefer2 rk19022018
dammerto rlacruz19
dankurmis rodrigo.ferradas77
dastefl_muc ruchi.tandon
dbalzer s.baran222
denis7711 s7oev
dhanushi.seneviratne sadok.benhamouda
dmitrykorepin saikat.basak
dmueller saiteja143
dominik9811 saket.amraotkar4
don.williams sap_km
donny.xu sapfun08
dxcbasis sarahschr_
eduardo.haussen sarnagk05
elaouli-amine sartgupt
elena.liu2 satdreddy4pypl
eliocentenob satishkumarbalasubramanian
elotb saurabh.shukla4
emerson.tosin schneidert
ender.yalcin sean.mcgann3
enioterrs sentkum87
estebangj4020_2 sergei.haller.u-niq
ewgenij99 serkancetinn
eyanosa shahid_sap
fesalbod shanker.d72
franciscoubiratan.remgiochavesfilho sharathvuppala0564
frdric.girod shireeshkumar
fredmartin shishirwaks1
gamzes shubhadeep.dhar
gayitri shweta.maurya
geff.h.n.chang siddheshshewale
gianluigi.brenna siju_999
girishjain sourishk
goody-1 sreelatha_2021
gowthamanpalani1308_63 stefan.walz
grahamday28 steve.cherestal
gritt.kammerer2 steventhorne
grzegorz.malewski sthakkar
guptaparas24 structural-concrete-contractors
hatrigt sunil.manglunia
helenoakley susan.niceley
hemanshu777 svetlana.yancheva
herbm swathi-rani
hisham.gouda swathikamalapuramreddy
holge.schfer sweliabe
honam.yu szokedawg
iamsyednadeem thenewguy
ikaskusuma thomasbraun
ilonka tirumareddy.praveen
iqbol_ad53 tlangner
isd tobias_renth
jagdish.chandrasekaran tobias.zeferer4
jagjot tony.shen1
jairo.perdomo trip.frans
janakiram1 tukutufua
janetliu u-saplogistic
jascha.kanngiesser uuuuu5uu
jason.hinsperger vadim.kalinin
jboissin venkatesh.madanagopal2
jbrandeis vera.muellner
jeromegrondin verakso
jherrero veronica.tant
jimmy21 victor.silva.major
jitendrakumar.kansal victoria.thomas
jmalone victorsilva
joanna84 vijender.p
jochen_tietz vinodasharma
joel.langoyan viren.sharma
joelsonmatias visdubey
josemar_mendes92 vpilato
joseph.haynes whereistejas
jraymond15 wolfgang.poell
jseidl y.xg
kanwardeepsingh.gill yguechchati
kapiljain01 yildirim.y
kbarua24 yuto.sugita
ke.ni yuval.anafi
keerthipp zachrau
kenzo zacky_hotib8