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As my colleague oddss shared in her first installment of this blog post series, we publish a weekly shout-out to Community members who have earned a mission the week prior. The list covers all missions earned Monday through Sunday (midnight to midnight, UTC).

Congratulations to 2f2973f7cd564696b6bae50675d7671c! What a loyal companion you are! Yee-Teeho just earned our SAP Community Fireball badge, as he was engaging in the SAP Community for 30 days in a row.

Also, shout-out to jitin.chawla, who earned Skillful Solver last week. Follow Jitin, should you have any questions regarding SAP Business One, you might find the answer already from the responses he gave so far. And as if Skillful Solver wasn't enough, Jitin also joined the club of Hitchhikers last week - Congrats Jitin, keep up your good work.

By the way, SAP TechEd in 2020 starts in just a couple of hours! I hope you're all tuning in to watch Channel 1! ?

Want to see all of the missions that are available for you to complete, as well as the ones you have already earned? Visit the #missions in your profile. Want to know more about SAP Community missions and how to earn them? See the Missions and Badges Overview page.

Now please join me in congratulating the following Community members who completed missions and earned badges last week!

Members who completed missions and earned badges from November 30 – December 6, 2020:

354371 kunjshukla
19091985 kyc7000
8860276524 lama12
24meredithmo laura.nevin
2mvandeven leela_jesudason
aaxisa leioscar
abap_ahmedhassanien51 leo.cao
abhishek.agrawal9 leoirudayam
afsane_salehi leonievb
ajay.hoskotesomashekar lev.degtyarov
ajeighh lisa.savinovich
akarsh_gowda_031 luca.milisenda
akaserer_libralo lucamotta
akashgh22 luisdelgadoosorio
alain.arnado2 luiseusa
albarran-mor lukas-schoemig
alexandertruemper1982 m.ezzat
alexey.danshin2 m.kreitlein
alexey.grebennikov m.yasirdogar
aliozgec machjennifer
aljathmi2 madan.km
aman9garg maik_bosch
andra.molina mandypinky
andre.borchert manohar69
c5e08e0478aa4727abc4482f5be390b2 manojsomkuwar
andreas.poth manthap
andreas.sailer manu.mishra3
andreaszickner marc.kuipers
andybugatto marche01
anjikumar.pasumarthy2 marco.krapf
ankur.tiwari marcos.lobo
anriese maria.villar
artemkovalov mariajosemq741
arunsubbu mariatrinidad.martinezgea
arvind.sharma markus.schutz2
ash_123 martins.buka
ashok_t martinsp
asilpa mateuszadamus
asimrahal mathurnavya
avsalynin 6b8e090ba50d45ec894fcae83b2f8a4a
axleta matthias.klocke
baehler1993 9ef2f01b41e84f219aa1e666d8f86042
baigalmaa mattredfig
bakul.jivrajani maulik25
balaji.nandikolla max_mcphee
barnabas.bodnar mazin
bartderaedt merzr
benwong1989 michael_ye
bernhard.keimel michael.biber2
Former Member michael.deubert
bharghava.reddy michael.shea
bhartley michaelhealy
3d76ad13a3144842a119a30f61020327 mike.pokraka
bill.froelich mikhail.andryievich
blublub1 miltonmg44
borja.dominguez minok104
brbousnguar mioyasutake
c_fortmueller30 mkorndoerfer
c_suess mlsotelo
carmo_durante12 moaen.mustafa
carvalhoc mohamed.amine_elhassani
chenneefaulhaber mohamed.touijer
chinmay.pandey mohamedsayed75
chris.keating mohitravishankar
christian.guenter mouneshsonar
christian.rwaka mswalih
christof.blaut mts2605
christopherlinke muhammad.haddad3
ciaran.harron murmelssonic
cirlei_guedes muthuraj.kalidoss2
clmaureira n.sharavdorj
comity narasareddy
coty_security narsinghsubudhi
cristianmedina0087_3 nayden.zhekov
csl0019665158 nelson.miranda
d.m. nemanja.simovic.avnet
dana.sarfati nick.bondy
daniel.kristanto12 nicolai.benz
daniel.wroblewski nilay.mehta123
danieleincampo nina.simeonova
danielkarlsruhe nishant_06
david.kunz2 obadaalkhdour
david.liu olga.paulouskaya
debjit.singha orkhan_suleym73
decoded pamarthy
dejoy pankaj_gupta2
denizcimen partheeban
dewetnaude parveen.kumarsingh
Former Member paul-pinard
dhdbob26 pdiez
dhirendra.pandit1 peter.somers
dimitri_seifmann phil.cooley
dipeshkumar.bhavsar pmathieu_2016
dirkgrossmann ppqm
dkdicivcodo prabhu_04
dominik.ofenloch pradnyamaske
3a9e4ce873a94034b33dc62b0ce600ee pradpandey
don.williams pvnierop
dpenisson qiang.zhang3
drormalo queenielau
dsisquel radhacoach4solution
duhanbernhard radovanmarinkov_snt
e.panin raft
eimura.kenji2 raghavendra.inguva
ein raghuveer.kanneganti
ekta.arora rahulvig
elvish rainer_bruns
emadc raja6382
emersonoki rajendraprabhu
emily.mui rajeshkumar01
equipe.pm rajeshps
eric.benayoun rajpawangumdal
erik.r ramadasu.pulivenkata
ervin.szolke rami.bleibel2
eusebiotrigoduni raquel.melo
ewilder rashmi.joshi4
ezeugner reddylearner
fabiocurto renee_wang
fasial rgirlando
fdurmaz ricardo.crespo.softtek1
felixmoehler rishabhdhakarwal
ferreiralp robert.straubinger
flavio.ciotola3 roger.yu
florian.pfeffer rperezluna
fmajul rudra538
franciscoo_a9475 ruediger.karl
frank.bareis s_bergstrom
frank.jahnigen s_jaeger
gabbi sabinesmai
gabriel.strada saicharan2011
generaldisplay.nike sainithesh.gajula
geronimo18 samir.nigam
gevelson_p sammok83
ggil samuel.muturi
e42feeedadf84c56ba7690df6eeedddb sandeepkh12
gobinathp sandhyanaru1
gokula.kumar sandro.kuckert
gowdani sanjay_saujani53
graziela.dondoni sanjeet.kumar4
griffin7 sanjguha
gunther.stuhec sap.dev.sam
gurudevendranath sapctm
hackbu sapeksh_gupta
hamza.khurshid sasha.b
hannes83 satishkumarbalasubramanian
hansgeorg.uebe saurabh.sharma27
harinder.singh.batra 6e829fd780204f76b10f492049a3773c
haugmarkus sebastien.phan
helena.losada sei.naing
hilldalemeg sensen.wei2
himansusroy sezer.ozer
himmelsbachw shamseer.karamadai
hmartinezl shantanusharma
holger.schulze shezookhan
htatikonda shilpa.vij
huanghuidon shishudi123
hunter.young shofmann
huy_huynh3 shruthi_karkera
igor.belousov shweta.vijayarao
ilkera94 siannu86
imagoodboy_12 siddhesh.d
imtiaz05 simon25
ioana.santimbrean sindy
irfan.only sineadcormican
isaac.muranganwa sivasatyaprasad.yerra
isagjkt solman_coe
israsmida somesh.dwivedi
j_a_ritzenberg sonia.petrescu
j_kasidokostas31 sophiayang
jakob.steen-petersen soum
jan.reichert sowmya_dutta_burra
jana.wuerth sreelatha_2021
janbeissner sri2387
jasonmoors sroopa3
jasonscott starsbell
jasonwangcn stefan.backhaus2
jav20 steinmaxi
javierrubio.01 stephane.dupin
jayantprakashaa stevanic.artana
jcbetancourt steven.hunt
jcramirez92 sudhakaran
jenskaiser2 suma.rammohan3
jessica_gutierrez sunil1101
jimmy.zhang3 supmalak93
jitesh.maharaj1 suresh.prudhvi
jitin.chawla susmita21
jkaufmann sven.feurer
joerg.ceo tcherry
johannes.kuch tej.yadav
john.barnes5 thiago
john.wandrocke thiago.vinicius
johnboyd-sig2020 thyagorodrigues7715_2
jonas.koepper tjoosten1
jorge.herreroblanco tobias.berger
jorgecarvalhoaw tomasz.slupczynski
jose_at_sap tridwip
jose.marquezmares tsvetealex
josephedd ujwaliyer
josephjohny.irudayaraj ulrich.klingels
josip.spajic uwe.radtke
02697040d5824f4a9d8fb38b1a40074f v_n_ermakov
juliarusso vaksvivek
junghyun08 vburgoju
k.kobori veera1234
kaisicker vgnanasambanthan
kang_min_jung vibhor2807_49
kar_ljo victor.alekhin2
karin.fischenbeck victorn
karlschneider vijayeta.sharma
kasifabbasi1010 vimarsh1987
katarzna vitali.esau
kay.loehmann wangyifeng
kcube wolfgang.weinmann
kedalene.chong wouter.vanpeteghem3
kellycannon www.sapbank.de
kevin.muessig xavierpolo
kim.mathaess xtbirihan
kimberlyt yamadako
kiranch 2f2973f7cd564696b6bae50675d7671c
kiselev yellappam
knanw yogeshwalke
kosnam80 yuhi.m
krish4sap yuki.sakumoto
kron025 yunze
kschoudary yyertuganov
ksefiani zack.alabaster
kucki99 zafer_tosun
kumarniti4 zdenekp

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