You know that we love and very much appreciate it when you engage in SAP Community. That’s why I publish a weekly roundup to community members who have earned a mission the week prior. This blog post covers all missions earned Monday through Sunday (midnight to midnight, UTC).
Collaboration is at the heart of many good things, it relies on openness and knowledge sharing, it helps strengthen transparency and trust. Just recently, we
introduced the Open Documentation Initiative for which you can receive two badges in SAP Community (
Collaboration missions for the Open Documentation Initiative). There's also a few community members that already provided feedback and/or contributed content and hence are able to showcase these badges in the reputation section of their profiles:
iwona.hahn, and
Moreover, Let me introduce you to our new
Avid Bloggers:
alban-leong, and
andreas.riehl. Read Andreas' latest product information on
Custom CDS Views – What’s New in 2105 and follow his profile to stay up-to-date with
SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
We also uploaded our
Swift Solver badges last week. Amongst the front runners were
tammy.powlas3 and
dell.stinnett-christy. Kudos for the Swift Solver III (50 first answers within =< 5 hours).
P.S.: Some of you also received one or more
openSAP badge(s). I wasn't able to display them all in this blog post, but still wanted to mention that you guys rock and did a great job! Thanks for your participation.
Want to see all of the missions that are available for you to complete, as well as the ones you have already earned? Visit the
#missions in your profile. Want to know more about SAP Community missions and how to earn them? See the
Missions and Badges overview page.
Now join me in congratulating the following Community members who completed missions and earned badges from
May 31 - June 6, 2021:
352684 | | latikapande | |
1342640 | | lavleshmishra | |
1349342 | | Former Member | |
2212114 | | leojoe0809 | |
101235560222 | | leq1341 | |
1085_9860_63aa2 | | les_wilson5856 | |
62joachimb | | libingyang | |
aamna | | luancdz | |
aayushaggarwal | | lutzi3 | |
abhinav.sharma | | m.felicella | |
abhisek_dutta | | madhukar.nemade | |
abhishek.hazra | | madhumati.mishra2 | |
abishankar | | mahesh_179 | |
acanceladosap | | maheshkumar.palavalli | |
adithya.k | | mahmud992 | |
adriana_rivera | | manduwok | |
afreeny2k1 | | manishkumarsingh | |
afurriel | | manoj.khavatkopp | |
ag3silaus | | manuela.simonetti | |
agentry_src | | marcel.biri | |
agrawal.parul | | marco.valencia | |
ahmed_abdelatif | | mariana.dutra | |
ajay_kankate4 | | mario-dc | |
akarsh_gowda_031 | | mariusobert | |
akenel | | markus.ganser | |
alban-leong | | 197f0f77709544a3bdebe98a55f527bb | |
alexander.bundschuh | | martin.rosjat | | | | martin.stenzig3 | |
alinamatei | | mateuszadamus | |
alisarde | | matheus.wurth | |
allaa | | matthias.wild | |
almer.podbicanin | | mattia-spadano | |
aman_tiwari47 | | maurojara | |
amanda_daniele | | max-huster | |
amanjain1254 | | maxime.simon | |
ambarish.modak | | maximiliano.isoba | |
amin.hoque | | mde.haan | |
amitupadhye | | michael.kastner | |
anandbhaskar | | mickael.cocquerel | |
anant.acharya | | miguelmarques | |
anderson.rocha | | mike.hua | |
andreas.anikeev_01 | | mind.shawn | |
andreas.riehl | | mirko.teschke | |
31a8856c1f6f4bcfa7f3d890a0b88fd2 | | mliitpte.ltdsingapore | |
anjana_sap | | | |
ankitarora.04 | | molly_207 | |
ankitgupta0292_42 | | 7a519509aed84a2c9e6f627841825b5a | |
ankur.chauhan | | msundararaja.perumal | |
anoniempje | | mtayibi | |
anton_yuminov | | mtbharat_11 | |
anugrahgj | | mthiruma | |
arata_nishii | | muhilan018 | |
arno.terhorst2 | | nadejdasacara | |
arnoud.vanheerde | | naimkhans.babi | |
arti3000 | | nanwang | |
arun_selvaraj | | nartlamber_123 | |
asdfasdfasd | | nemanja.simovic.avnet | |
ashutosh.anand | | ngoxuanhieu | |
ashwag_1 | | nidhi.agrawal | |
ashwin.srinivasa | | nidhisingh14 | |
avik | | nimi123 | |
ayanbishnu1981 | | nimrod.gisis | |
aydinmemioglu | | nisha_k | |
b.meijs | | nitinvannieuwenhoven | |
b.yesweker | | nshreekar7596_51 | |
baigalmaa | | omoliu | |
bauman_isaac40 | | ondrej_divis | |
bcadocheapsia | | owen.liu | |
bekann | | pamt | |
bernardfeldmann | | paolo.ricciarelli | |
bikash.bansal | | pascal.hagedorn | |
binay_agarwal | | pataselano | |
bis_paul | | paulo.vitoriano | |
db8ac33b71d34a778adf273b064c4883 | | pavan.maladkar2 | |
boddul | | pavel.okanik | |
brajanek | | pavithrarnaidu36 | |
brent.gallmann | | phil_boland58 | |
brunopbaffonso | | piotr.tesny | |
c933sbe5l0gcpsqs8k3erliyp | | pmbuddlake1234 | |
carbonocean | | polly.gan | |
carlodoni | | | |
carlos.roggan | | pranjal411 | |
caroleigh.deneen | | prasadmhapankar | |
cayotte | | Former Member | |
cecilia_gg | | prashumg | |
chahoud | | praveen.kumar254 | |
chait_741 | | praveenkumarm0123 | |
chandan339it | | pravin.pravii | |
chansrisawat | | preradon | |
chhieng | | prudhvi.raj.tappeta | |
chiayuwu | | przemyslaw.tracz | |
chrisian1 | | r.pagni | |
christian.drumm | | rabin_dhas | |
christianlangmann | | rachel.xiao | |
christina_henry6432 | | radha.radha2 | |
christine_1 | | radito | |
cincet.frdric2 | | raghuraman.ramakrishnan | |
cora.phelan | | rajesh.talabattula | |
coriolan_fruhauf34 | | ramkishan248 | |
cpatel1983 | | ramn.guillamninsa | |
cristiano.hansen | | ramvijay | |
crjvca | | ranendra09 | |
dabrego | | rangannagari | |
daniel.ingenhaag | | ranjithnjattuvettyravi | |
daniel.nanovski | | rashmi.joshi4 | |
daniel.wroblewski | | ratheeshy | |
danishs.a. | | ravi_sabhachandani | |
Former Member | | ravi.sirigiri | |
daruca | | 672cbd118d064be98c30c44331ab059e | |
dave.willis | | reinaldoabe | |
david.deeg | | repakulamanoj6 | |
david.thirakul | | rgupta761 | |
daviddasilva | | rhudyma | |
daya-1 | | ricardo.cortez | |
dayavesta | | Former Member | |
deepa.khatri | | roberto_russo_reply | |
deepu0407 | | roberto.nanga | |
dekurf | | robin_lin | |
dell.stinnett-christy | | rohit.gera | |
depei.zhang | | romee.srivastava | |
dhanashree1 | | rommix | |
dhansmeier | | roopsha123 | |
dhanya.kv | | rpuranikrrd | |
dharmaraj.patil | | rushikesh.yeole | |
dimpu.keeker | | ruthvik.chowdary2 | |
dirkmanuel2 | | rzieschang | |
divya.gupta9 | | s.nits28 | |
djanapin | | sabine.stellmacher | |
dom2021 | | sagnik411 | |
domenico.lovino | | sai.prakash9 | |
don.williams | | sainithesh.gajula | |
dook | | sakamoto.ko | |
douglas.cezar10 | | sakikokawano | |
dp_07 | | saleem.sufyaan | |
draschke | | salomon.moreno | |
drvup | | salvatore.durso | |
dsr | | sam.soriano | | | | sami9846 | |
edwin.harpino | | sandra.batista2 | |
ehy | | sandra.rossi | |
enda.fennelly | | santiwar2603 | |
erand.baci2 | | sapcg1 | |
erkanemre | | sapsdramji | |
f.mundt | | saranyasampath | |
faizullahmohammed.shaik | | sateesh.gowd | |
fffelipe | | sathish.vadhii | |
florian.pfeffer | | saumitra.deshmukh2 | |
fnzengat59 | | saurabh.sonawane | |
foekenm | | sawantp80 | |
foued.erp | | schneidert | |
Former Member | | schwarzc | |
franklin95 | | scirolaphyrexian | |
frdric.girod | | seanflavin | |
ganesh.dhaybar75 | | semkum | |
gayatribagde | | senthilkumar_nalani | |
geolingson | | senz.evo | |
gerardo.grey | | | |
german.mesa | | sharanya.n.devaraj | |
4bbf4e2c7a844805a57d43eacdfef598 | | shery_vijayan | |
gerson_chamale2 | | shishengwu | |
ggil | | shishudi123 | |
girish.bhor | | shrikantp0508 | |
girishjain | | shwetanargachhe | |
gombo | | sikindar.a | |
gourav_jena | | simmaco.ferriero | |
grace.deng | | simoner | |
gregorw | | sindhuja.verupanda | |
gunther.sandtner2 | | sindhupalla92 | |
gurayakogul | | sivaramanshaji | |
gurudevendranath | | skzs | |
gxsavgae | | soumya.kar | |
hakan.haslaman | | spurohit28 | |
hanhntm3 | | sravan.guduru | |
haonans | | sraycpa | |
harish.mandoliya | | sreehari.vpillai | |
hchhaya0 | | sreeram.p1 | |
hdolenec | | sridhar.thiyagarajan | |
hidde.sikkes | | srinivasa.ct | |
himabindu_guttapalem | | sriprasadshivaramabhat | |
hkpatel | | sshaligram | |
holom | | stefansickert2 | |
hongzhi.sun | | steffens | |
huijie.zhang | | steven.bier | |
hwsapcrm | | sumanthg | |
i_537151 | | sumantk24 | |
iamkranthi21 | | sunilkollabathini.datacom | |
ibibhu | | sunnywaymay | |
ido.millet | | support.olam | |
ilon_adams | | sureshm2 | |
ivankarev | | surya.venkatesan | |
ivanmiguelhernandez | | susannehelbig | |
iwona.hahn | | svea.becker | |
jacobtan | | swapnilpalande | |
jaith.ambepitiya | | swati.balani | |
jaith.eranga | | swiftc | |
james.murphy01 | | t.santy | |
jan.verreydt | | tammy.powlas3 | |
jana.wuerth | | tanya.page4 | |
janbu | | teodortaushanov | |
jaustom | | thomas.jung | |
javier.poot | | thomasad | |
jay1387_896 | | thrilleswar | |
jduran01 | | tikeer.guo | |
jeanne.bigonnet | | titu4mdg | |
jeniferranjani | | tobias.tauchen | |
jenniferstuckey | | tobipapenbrock | |
jens.krueger.snp | | tonja.kehrer | |
jeremyyu_sap | | tonysilva | |
jerry.lowery | | towell | | | | tpargade | |
jgandhi88 | | unsong | |
jhyang | | vadim.kalinin | |
jimgarcijo | | vaishnavipe | |
jimmyh | | varun_bhargav18 | |
jitendrakumar.kansal | | vcotroni_westernacher | |
jlussert | | venkatanagendrakumar.varaganti | |
jmmaille | | venu.mamillapalli | |
jmotosperez | | verenaflatt | |
joachim.neff5 | | vervinckt.joyca | |
jocelyn.dart | | vibhorbhatnagarsap | | | | vicen.lozano | |
johann.delgado | | vigneshprabhu_ | |
jonasmittenbuehler | | vijayeta.sharma | |
jonel.rienton | | vikasbansal_sap | |
jorgavoro | | vinaygodugu | |
jos.dielemans2 | | vincent007 | |
joyy | | vinod.iyer2 | |
jrosenhauer | | vinodsedani | |
juanescab | | vinu_kurian | |
julian.riegel2 | | vipin.tripathi2 | |
juliarusso | | vito_c | |
jun.wu5 | | vivek.banerjee2 | |
junaid.alam1976 | | vivek.barnwal2 | |
juri_kopkin | | vks2018 | |
jyotsna.singam | | vominhtam | |
kai.niklas86 | | vuppalas | |
kainattu | | wasnik | |
karunasri19 | | wei.han7 | |
kaushalya.perera | | william.yu | |
kessianekunha91 | | wnikhil | |
kevin.wang6 | | woehrle_thorsten | |
kgross78 | | c3d1947136cd4c748a7aa794001af496 | |
klakhi | | xtbirihan | |
kmagons | | yangwang09 | |
Former Member | | 2f2973f7cd564696b6bae50675d7671c | |
konrad | | yibiyaya | |
kontani57 | | yichao | |
kostas.ka | | yoganandamuthaiah | |
krinyong | | yogesh_bagul | |
krishnapriya183 | | yoshio.yonehara | |
kristina.tanz | | yuan_zhuang | |
krushnaband | | yuki_kitajima | |
kudishi | | yuval.morad | |
kvsdurga2k | | zdenek.smolik3 | |
kwokho.fong | | zhao.mishuang | |
l_stodal | | zhujoe | |
laleyakutvalusek | | zoe_zhou | |