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Product and Topic Expert
You know that we love and very much appreciate it when you engage in SAP Community. That’s why I publish a weekly roundup to community members who have earned a mission the week prior. This blog post covers all missions earned Monday through Sunday (midnight to midnight, UTC).

Collaboration is at the heart of many good things, it relies on openness and knowledge sharing, it helps strengthen transparency and trust. Just recently, we introduced the Open Documentation Initiative for which you can receive two badges in SAP Community (Collaboration missions for the Open Documentation Initiative). There's also a few community members that already provided feedback and/or contributed content and hence are able to showcase these badges in the reputation section of their profiles: jitendrakumar.kansal, thomas.jung, iwona.hahn, and christian.drumm.

Moreover, Let me introduce you to our new Avid Bloggers: alban-leong, and andreas.riehl. Read Andreas' latest product information on Custom CDS Views – What’s New in 2105 and follow his profile to stay up-to-date with SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

We also uploaded our Swift Solver badges last week. Amongst the front runners were tammy.powlas3 and dell.stinnett-christy. Kudos for the Swift Solver III (50 first answers within =< 5 hours).

P.S.: Some of you also received one or more openSAP badge(s). I wasn't able to display them all in this blog post, but still wanted to mention that you guys rock and did a great job! Thanks for your participation.

Want to see all of the missions that are available for you to complete, as well as the ones you have already earned? Visit the #missions in your profile. Want to know more about SAP Community missions and how to earn them? See the Missions and Badges overview page.

Now join me in congratulating the following Community members who completed missions and earned badges from May 31 - June 6, 2021:

352684 latikapande
1342640 lavleshmishra
1349342 Former Member
2212114 leojoe0809
101235560222 leq1341
1085_9860_63aa2 les_wilson5856
62joachimb libingyang
aamna luancdz
aayushaggarwal lutzi3
abhinav.sharma m.felicella
abhisek_dutta madhukar.nemade
abhishek.hazra madhumati.mishra2
abishankar mahesh_179
acanceladosap maheshkumar.palavalli
adithya.k mahmud992
adriana_rivera manduwok
afreeny2k1 manishkumarsingh
afurriel manoj.khavatkopp
ag3silaus manuela.simonetti
agentry_src marcel.biri
agrawal.parul marco.valencia
ahmed_abdelatif mariana.dutra
ajay_kankate4 mario-dc
akarsh_gowda_031 mariusobert
akenel markus.ganser
alban-leong 197f0f77709544a3bdebe98a55f527bb
alexander.bundschuh martin.rosjat
alexander.haag_soisit.com martin.stenzig3
alinamatei mateuszadamus
alisarde matheus.wurth
allaa matthias.wild
almer.podbicanin mattia-spadano
aman_tiwari47 maurojara
amanda_daniele max-huster
amanjain1254 maxime.simon
ambarish.modak maximiliano.isoba
amin.hoque mde.haan
amitupadhye michael.kastner
anandbhaskar mickael.cocquerel
anant.acharya miguelmarques
anderson.rocha mike.hua
andreas.anikeev_01 mind.shawn
andreas.riehl mirko.teschke
31a8856c1f6f4bcfa7f3d890a0b88fd2 mliitpte.ltdsingapore
anjana_sap mohit.dev
ankitarora.04 molly_207
ankitgupta0292_42 7a519509aed84a2c9e6f627841825b5a
ankur.chauhan msundararaja.perumal
anoniempje mtayibi
anton_yuminov mtbharat_11
anugrahgj mthiruma
arata_nishii muhilan018
arno.terhorst2 nadejdasacara
arnoud.vanheerde naimkhans.babi
arti3000 nanwang
arun_selvaraj nartlamber_123
asdfasdfasd nemanja.simovic.avnet
ashutosh.anand ngoxuanhieu
ashwag_1 nidhi.agrawal
ashwin.srinivasa nidhisingh14
avik nimi123
ayanbishnu1981 nimrod.gisis
aydinmemioglu nisha_k
b.meijs nitinvannieuwenhoven
b.yesweker nshreekar7596_51
baigalmaa omoliu
bauman_isaac40 ondrej_divis
bcadocheapsia owen.liu
bekann pamt
bernardfeldmann paolo.ricciarelli
bikash.bansal pascal.hagedorn
binay_agarwal pataselano
bis_paul paulo.vitoriano
db8ac33b71d34a778adf273b064c4883 pavan.maladkar2
boddul pavel.okanik
brajanek pavithrarnaidu36
brent.gallmann phil_boland58
brunopbaffonso piotr.tesny
c933sbe5l0gcpsqs8k3erliyp pmbuddlake1234
carbonocean polly.gan
carlodoni prachisharma.sap
carlos.roggan pranjal411
caroleigh.deneen prasadmhapankar
cayotte Former Member
cecilia_gg prashumg
chahoud praveen.kumar254
chait_741 praveenkumarm0123
chandan339it pravin.pravii
chansrisawat preradon
chhieng prudhvi.raj.tappeta
chiayuwu przemyslaw.tracz
chrisian1 r.pagni
christian.drumm rabin_dhas
christianlangmann rachel.xiao
christina_henry6432 radha.radha2
christine_1 radito
cincet.frdric2 raghuraman.ramakrishnan
cora.phelan rajesh.talabattula
coriolan_fruhauf34 ramkishan248
cpatel1983 ramn.guillamninsa
cristiano.hansen ramvijay
crjvca ranendra09
dabrego rangannagari
daniel.ingenhaag ranjithnjattuvettyravi
daniel.nanovski rashmi.joshi4
daniel.wroblewski ratheeshy
danishs.a. ravi_sabhachandani
Former Member ravi.sirigiri
daruca 672cbd118d064be98c30c44331ab059e
dave.willis reinaldoabe
david.deeg repakulamanoj6
david.thirakul rgupta761
daviddasilva rhudyma
daya-1 ricardo.cortez
dayavesta Former Member
deepa.khatri roberto_russo_reply
deepu0407 roberto.nanga
dekurf robin_lin
dell.stinnett-christy rohit.gera
depei.zhang romee.srivastava
dhanashree1 rommix
dhansmeier roopsha123
dhanya.kv rpuranikrrd
dharmaraj.patil rushikesh.yeole
dimpu.keeker ruthvik.chowdary2
dirkmanuel2 rzieschang
divya.gupta9 s.nits28
djanapin sabine.stellmacher
dom2021 sagnik411
domenico.lovino sai.prakash9
don.williams sainithesh.gajula
dook sakamoto.ko
douglas.cezar10 sakikokawano
dp_07 saleem.sufyaan
draschke salomon.moreno
drvup salvatore.durso
dsr sam.soriano
duchuynhcrane.com sami9846
edwin.harpino sandra.batista2
ehy sandra.rossi
enda.fennelly santiwar2603
erand.baci2 sapcg1
erkanemre sapsdramji
f.mundt saranyasampath
faizullahmohammed.shaik sateesh.gowd
fffelipe sathish.vadhii
florian.pfeffer saumitra.deshmukh2
fnzengat59 saurabh.sonawane
foekenm sawantp80
foued.erp schneidert
Former Member schwarzc
franklin95 scirolaphyrexian
frdric.girod seanflavin
ganesh.dhaybar75 semkum
gayatribagde senthilkumar_nalani
geolingson senz.evo
gerardo.grey sergio.mp
german.mesa sharanya.n.devaraj
4bbf4e2c7a844805a57d43eacdfef598 shery_vijayan
gerson_chamale2 shishengwu
ggil shishudi123
girish.bhor shrikantp0508
girishjain shwetanargachhe
gombo sikindar.a
gourav_jena simmaco.ferriero
grace.deng simoner
gregorw sindhuja.verupanda
gunther.sandtner2 sindhupalla92
gurayakogul sivaramanshaji
gurudevendranath skzs
gxsavgae soumya.kar
hakan.haslaman spurohit28
hanhntm3 sravan.guduru
haonans sraycpa
harish.mandoliya sreehari.vpillai
hchhaya0 sreeram.p1
hdolenec sridhar.thiyagarajan
hidde.sikkes srinivasa.ct
himabindu_guttapalem sriprasadshivaramabhat
hkpatel sshaligram
holom stefansickert2
hongzhi.sun steffens
huijie.zhang steven.bier
hwsapcrm sumanthg
i_537151 sumantk24
iamkranthi21 sunilkollabathini.datacom
ibibhu sunnywaymay
ido.millet support.olam
ilon_adams sureshm2
ivankarev surya.venkatesan
ivanmiguelhernandez susannehelbig
iwona.hahn svea.becker
jacobtan swapnilpalande
jaith.ambepitiya swati.balani
jaith.eranga swiftc
james.murphy01 t.santy
jan.verreydt tammy.powlas3
jana.wuerth tanya.page4
janbu teodortaushanov
jaustom thomas.jung
javier.poot thomasad
jay1387_896 thrilleswar
jduran01 tikeer.guo
jeanne.bigonnet titu4mdg
jeniferranjani tobias.tauchen
jenniferstuckey tobipapenbrock
jens.krueger.snp tonja.kehrer
jeremyyu_sap tonysilva
jerry.lowery towell
jerrywong.sap tpargade
jgandhi88 unsong
jhyang vadim.kalinin
jimgarcijo vaishnavipe
jimmyh varun_bhargav18
jitendrakumar.kansal vcotroni_westernacher
jlussert venkatanagendrakumar.varaganti
jmmaille venu.mamillapalli
jmotosperez verenaflatt
joachim.neff5 vervinckt.joyca
jocelyn.dart vibhorbhatnagarsap
joerg.ceo vicen.lozano
johann.delgado vigneshprabhu_
jonasmittenbuehler vijayeta.sharma
jonel.rienton vikasbansal_sap
jorgavoro vinaygodugu
jos.dielemans2 vincent007
joyy vinod.iyer2
jrosenhauer vinodsedani
juanescab vinu_kurian
julian.riegel2 vipin.tripathi2
juliarusso vito_c
jun.wu5 vivek.banerjee2
junaid.alam1976 vivek.barnwal2
juri_kopkin vks2018
jyotsna.singam vominhtam
kai.niklas86 vuppalas
kainattu wasnik
karunasri19 wei.han7
kaushalya.perera william.yu
kessianekunha91 wnikhil
kevin.wang6 woehrle_thorsten
kgross78 c3d1947136cd4c748a7aa794001af496
klakhi xtbirihan
kmagons yangwang09
Former Member 2f2973f7cd564696b6bae50675d7671c
konrad yibiyaya
kontani57 yichao
kostas.ka yoganandamuthaiah
krinyong yogesh_bagul
krishnapriya183 yoshio.yonehara
kristina.tanz yuan_zhuang
krushnaband yuki_kitajima
kudishi yuval.morad
kvsdurga2k zdenek.smolik3
kwokho.fong zhao.mishuang
l_stodal zhujoe
laleyakutvalusek zoe_zhou