Weekly Mission & Badge Roundup // April 12 - April...
Welcome Corner Blog Posts
Go a little bit deeper into the Welcome Corner with blog posts. Learn how to get started in SAP Community and get tips on maximizing your participation.
You know that we love and very much appreciate it when you engage in SAP Community. That’s why I publish a weekly roundup to community members who have earned a mission the week prior. This blog post covers all missions earned Monday through Sunday (midnight to midnight, UTC).
Soooo much going on lately! April 15 marked another Random Day Surprise that we dedicated to World Art Day. All of you who participated in SAP Community last Thursday with activities such as publishing, liking, upvoting, accepting, following, updating, and commenting received the Random Day Surprise badge. Stay tuned for my other two blog posts (Part 1 & Part 2) in which I list all members who received the badge for their engagement. Thank you all and Congratulations!
Another great success to highlight is our most recent addition to the club of Master Solverprasanth.sarma.aryasomayajula. Check out his wealth of answers given in the community and learn from what he has to share in his responses.
Spring is in the air - I wanted to share with you all a new fun mission that we just introduced and that is running for the next two weeks: Sowing Success with SAP Store! Read this blog post by amanda.mountain and be on the lookout for the hidden items on SAP Store!
Want to see all of the missions that are available for you to complete, as well as the ones you have already earned? Visit the #missions in your profile. Want to know more about SAP Community missions and how to earn them? See the Missions and Badges overview page.
Now join me in congratulating the following Community members who completed missions and earned badges from April 12 - April 18, 2021: