The SAP Community is home to more than 120,000 blog posts from our members. (You can see those numbers and more right on the home page.)

But even with all of that content available, people may come to the site occasionally hoping to read more about a certain topic...only to discover that those thousands of posts don't provide the information they're looking for.
With our new Virtual Wishing Well initiative for blogging, we plan to address that need by giving members the opportunity to request a blog post about a topic that they would like to see covered.
Here's how it works. When you're ready to request a blog post about a specific topic, simply:
- Click this link. (The link automatically creates a question draft, tagged with SAP Community, containing a question title and body text indicating that you want to request a blog post as part of the Virtual Wishing Well initiative for blogging. See image below.)
- Add a topic name or description for the blog post you want. (The arrows below show where.)
- Click "Submit your question."

I follow the
SAP Community tag (shouldn't everybody?), so I'll receive a notification whenever a wish comes in for a topic for a new new blog post. Once I read the wish, I'll reach out to our
SAP Champions to see who is most qualified to write about the topic that has been requested.
As you can see from their
entry in our Influencers Finder, the SAP Champions possess a broad range of knowledge. With all of their expertise, we're confident we can find the right author to write about any blog post you wish!
Oh, and if you're getting a sense of déjà vu after reading about this Virtual Wishing Well idea...that's because the idea isn't mine. I "borrowed" it.
Back in March, I conducted my very last
Member of the Month interview in the
series -- before switching over to the SAP Champions and the
Spotlight Interview series. In that Member of the Month interview, I spoke to
keller.m, who, at the time, had launched the
Virtual Wishing Well - A Thread for Asking and Giving Help in the
Coffee Corner. We've always loved that much so that when the thread quieted down, we thought we could relaunch the idea by giving members an easy way to make a specific wish, while also inviting the awesome SAP Champions to support a community initiative.
I mention Michael here not only to give him credit for inspiring this latest iteration of the Virtual Wishing Well. I'm also taking this opportunity to congratulate him officially for becoming the latest community member to join the SAP Champions program! As a former Member of the Month who remains an active blogger and
SAP Community Fan -- and as the guy who has made it easier for us to make wishes come true in the community -- he is exactly the kind of member we love welcoming into the SAP Champions program. We'll continue to expand the program with more members who show the same community spirit with positive attitudes and contributions.
For now, know that Michael and other SAP Champions stand ready to prepare the types of posts you want. So click the
link and make your wish!