Welcome Corner Blog Posts
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Community Manager
Community Manager
By now, you may have seen the blog post from SAP CEO bill.mcdermott, announcing new leadership for SAP Community. And you may have wondered what these changes mean.

In this new video, bjoern.goerke, Chief Technology Officer and President of SAP Cloud Platform, and thomas.grassl, Head of Developer Relations, chat about these changes. As the new senior leaders for SAP Community, they offer their insights about what's to come.

During their conversation, Bjoern and Thomas talk about the importance of the community (particularly the knowledge base and input from members) and discuss how we need to improve the experience. They also share their vision for the community -- and address how we'll make this vision a reality.

As a member of the SAP Community Experience team, I'm excited about what this reorganization can do for the community. And I'm not alone. Check out "New Year in a New Organization," a blog post from gali.klingschneider, head of the SAP Community Experience team. You'll see that there is a lot of enthusiasm behind the scenes -- and I hope you're feeling enthusiastic as well!
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