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Community Manager
Community Manager
Today (Thursday, May 24) is the big day -- when, after weeks of announcements, we finally set profiles to private by default for members who did not update their settings.

Those who missed the announcements (or who forgot to take action) might have been surprised to find themselves Former Member'ed when they visited today.

Upon noticing this anonymization, members may have gone into their privacy settings, made the necessary update, and...found that nothing happened -- that no matter how many times they switched their profile to public, they still showed up as Former Member.

While this is frustrating, it's only a temporary issue. On May 24, the settings change needed approximately 24 hours to process. After May 25, however, changes to privacy settings should take effect almost immediately.

In addition, you may see inconsistencies across some of the community platforms while we process these changes, such as Former Member appearing in one place for a given user, but not in another.

So if you're still a Former Member (even though you followed the steps to update your settings), or if you see something that isn't quite right yet for a user who has become a Former Member, please be patient. Everything should be fine by tomorrow (May 25).

If you'd like to learn more about the recent changes to profile privacy and the immediate effects, please refer to these resources:

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