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As one of the most active communities in the world, you’ve shared more than your expertise. You’ve shared your opinions and we’ve listened. You said that it was complicated to work with SAP online, that there were too many digital properties to navigate, and that SAP didn’t know who you were or what you wanted to see. We have to fix this.

You may have heard about the ONE Digital Experience project. This initiative was kicked off by the SAP Board of Directors in late 2013 as part of SAP's overall simplification efforts ("simplify everything so we can do anything"), and includes support from several Community members / SAP Mentors, as well as a broad spectrum of SAP employees from multiple organizations. This post is intended to provide more detailed information about what this project means for you.

The mandate of ONE Digital Experience is to help SAP deliver a best-in-class digital experience, simplifying our online presence and making it easy for you to find and act on the information you need. It will deliver a consistent digital experience that provides clear direction, relevant content, and the features and functionality that you expect. ONE Digital Experience will make it easy for anyone to do business with SAP online.

The scope of ONE Digital Experience includes all SAP audiences across all SAP digital properties. The project approach is agile, providing regular improvements to take us to the ultimate end goal. One of the first deliverables is the Universal Identity and Profile widget, powered by SAP ID Service that will go live by SAPPHIRE NOW on June 3rd. It will provide visitors to SAP.com, SAP events Platform, and SCN with a single sign on to all of the sites.

The design of the widget includes some of the features that are already present in the SCN profile:

  • Single, Auto Log-in: Users are automatically logged-on across all of the sites if they have logged on to one site already
  • Social Sign-In: Users can login using one of their social accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google to start)
  • Consistent Access: Users find consistent links in the header representing logged-out and logged-in states
  • Control Over Data: Users can review and modify seven of their common profile fields from within the Widget or click to
    access the full profile and settings for their web sites

*Image from the test system. Final version may vary.

You can see in the screen shot that we are using a “story” approach for displaying the seven profile fields. Based on user testing, our designers felt that this would be the best way to encourage people to complete the profile instead of providing them with a form to fill out.

What changes should I expect?

  • There will be an extra click to navigate from the new profile to your existing profile page in SCN. However, you can click on your masthead photo to go directly to your detailed SCN profile.
  • You will need to populate the new profile with the seven fields to make it complete.
  • You will need to log off of SCN and log on again to synchronize the widget fields and your SCN profile fields, since the widget runs in our central IDS system. (This is on the list to change in an upcoming release.)

What about my SCN profile and reputation – levels, points and badges?

  • You can get to your SCN full profile by clicking on your masthead photo or on “View your full profile and settings for this site” in the widget.
  • There will be no impact to your existing reputation tab.
  • You will continue to earn your reputation points, badges and levels as in the past.

So what happens after the new Profile launch?

  • Longer term milestones for the project are also based on your past feedback.
  • The widget of the future will enable personalization and filtering of content based on individual preferences. The long term goal is to bring all key features from the current SCN profile into the widget.
  • There will be continued consolidation of microsites, reducing the splintering of content in multiple publication points.
  • Users will not have to know which site holds what information. For example, SCN versus SAP Help versus SAP Store etc. You will be able to navigate seamlessly based the actions you would like to take, carrying your preferences with you.

So in June, you will experience step one, the new widget. In the spirit of agile, remember that we are continuing to develop, improve and integrate the widget seamlessly across multiple SAP sites. It’s not perfect, but it is in transition.

I invite your feedback. Share your thoughts about the One Digital Experience project, the strategy and your hopes for the future with SAP online. Your voices are critical input for us as we make the transition to being a company that is simpler, more agile, and easier to work with.

Look for further announcements and my video during SAPPHIRE NOW. I’m excited to be sharing this important news about
simplifying SAP.

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