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There have been many gripes about the SCN site login, which after a year is better than when it started, but still not quite as persistent as we'd expect.  I showed oliver a video (online somewhere, I assume) of the login time sequence and he requested more step-wise detail, recommending Firebug as a tool of choice. I'd used something similar, or maybe an ancestor, on debugging another vendors web app.  What follows are screen shots of the re-connect after being logged out, on different days, and from different locations, as well as tables from a spreadsheet via screen scrape.  I was expecting firebug to have some kind of roll-back history option, but once your browser went to any other page, that log time detail was gone.

Check out the history of releases and bug reports (AKA "known issues"), which both include comments about login process changes.

What runs long?  The only thing I see is the "get count" at a few seconds on most tries, nothing worse than 5 seconds.  Doesn't seem that short, but it all adds up.




#SCN login fails much more gracefully now and displays detailed failure information and support contact. Live since 1 pm CET today. Thank..



Try 1

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Try 2

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Try 3

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Try 4

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9 requests

93.3 KB(91.8 KB from cache)5.7s (onload: 5.25s)


What next?

I hope this helps further the debug process.  I'm sure it's buried in browser independence, Jive-default, and scalability factors.  It did seem that the old SCN wasn't that bad after all (not counting the software crashes - this Jive version has been much better behaved there, given the user base width).


One of my impetuses for this work was a fellow traveler, ethan.jewett , pushing on the same rope.  Thanks!

@oliver [oliver ] @dhague [ darren.hague ] New SCN login system seems borked to me. Keeps logging me out. Making moderation awfully tough 😞


I can’t believe how broken @SAPCommNet login still is.


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