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Who am I?

I work for a consulting firm, which is fairly competitive like every other company out there.

I like answering to questions on SCN. Although I am quite new as compared to other veteran members, I have found a small space for me where I try to share whatever I know.

What is my Dilemma?

This question has always crossed my mind, while answering questions on SCN. Am I helping a competition? Is this ethically wrong?

When people ask questions, they sometimes ask for too much, asking complete end-to-end solutions and not a particular problem. People sometimes ask for user manuals and configuration documents.

Let me be clear here folks, these documents might be customer property or intellectual property of some organization or an individual, asking for such documents is completely unethical. Don't do that.

So, when I see such posts I try to ignore them. Because that person asking that question might be a competition. He / She might use that knowledge against my organization and might even take a client away from us. I being an employee, want my organization to grow leaps and bounds and probably become the market leader in what they do.

Just a hypothetical scenario..Would an SAP employee help out a guy at Oracle who is having a problem with say an "analytics tool' that he is building?

The answer is a big NO..!!

They are rivals.

I don't discourage sharing knowledge with others in this great community of SCN. I am just against a few people who ask for too much. Is there an ethical limit to how much one can ask for?

rob.burbank  in his blog Asking Good Questions in the SCN Discussion Spaces will help you get Good Answers rightly mentions "Don’t simply post your requirements and expect others to do your work for you." 

Please share your views, and let me know if you have faced such questions and such a dilemma...!!

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