Welcome Corner Blog Posts
Go a little bit deeper into the Welcome Corner with blog posts. Learn how to get started in SAP Community and get tips on maximizing your participation.
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Former Member

During my years with SCN, I’ve talked to many customers, from the halls of SAP Tech Ed, to SAP Inside Tracks and more, about why they are passionate supporters of the Community.

It all boils down to "I'm at my company, immersed in my SAP project and I want to connect with others like me, with experience, advice and opinions.” We created this video as a composite of all the things we've heard from the people we've met, who see the decision to join as "It's simple. SCN is great. If you work with SAP products, it's a must.'

Here is the premise of the video:

We all know that enterprise software is complex, and nobody can do it all themselves. SAP Community Network can help you save time and money on projects, keep up to date on the latest innovations and trends, and build your reputation as an SAP expert. It’s a highly effective social network built for professionals who use enterprise software. It provides a trusted source of advice from people who’ve dealt with challenges and done innovative things with SAP solutions. With the recent modernization of the SCN platform, it’s simple, advanced and powerful. Watch this fun video (link) about how joining can benefit you.

  To experience SAP Community Network, go to the Welcome page

So, please watch it, or better yet send it to a friend who could use it. It’s was created to focus on potential new members. Can you think of some folks you’d like to share this video with?

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