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Former Member

As with my Blog It Forward, I must first warn the audience that I’m not much a blogger so don’t except anything you want to come back time after time. To show my appreciation to folks like laure.cetin and susan.keohan, I’m writing this.

I was delighted being elected as the Member of the Month for May 2013. I didn’t expect it and it wasn’t something I was aiming for. It necessarily didn’t showcase my skills in detail but it was a very good introduction about me, what I am interested in and what my footprint on SCN has been. I appreciated it very much having been selected as MoM.

The hugest attention by far I got was on the MoM blog itself. Next would have to be at work, especially since I'm new there and people might not know me and my background with SAP. It was also interesting to see who congratulated me and in which way, considering all the communication methods available today.


Maybe the biggest change was that I have recently gotten more than usual LinkedIn invitations and personal e-mails asking for assistance in various topics. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before but I would say I saw an increase of 30% in activity. Since I was selected MoM I have also noticed an increase of interest in my expertise amongst U.S. employers and recruiters. I don't know if it has been because I was to selected MoM or just because of being active on SCN but it would be ignorant of me not see the correlation.

For everyone who contacted me and to whom I never replied, please do not take it personally. On LinkedIn I only accept invitations from people I have worked with or from people that I know personally. Maybe something I could improve on but since I’m not the most social guy out there, I think it reflects who I am. To people who wrote to me asking for help in various SAP topics, I’m sorry but my time is limited. I spend office hours benefiting my employer and my outside office hours doing non-work related things.

The feedback I have been getting from the community has been 100% positive and I want to thank everyone involved in any way. For people looking into becoming a MoM, my only advice is that don’t. If you deserve it, you will get it eventually.

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