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Just a friendly reminder to join SCN and SAP Mentors on November 18th for a special blog it forward celebration.  How great is it during the SCN is 10 celebration that we also celebrate the "blog it forward".  Blog it forward is a chance to meet your fellow SCN members and get to know a little more about them.  If you haven't written a blog-it-forward yet, there is still time - see Blog It Forward Community Challenge and Blog It Forward (BIF) Chain

susan.keohan and moshe.naveh have already written about the celebration Blog it Forward (#BIF) - It's Magic! and Special Virtual Anniversary BIF Party

Think of it as a virtual "dance-a-long" - how appropriate this video Tilda Swinton dance-along is to Barry White music:

For me I have learned so much about people, countries, great food and people with some incredible stories.  There has been a tae kwon do gold medalist, super hero quizzes (which super hero are you?) and so much more.  I enjoyed Blog It Forward – Jyoti Prakash by jyoti.prakash6 as I learned I was "Superman" super hero, and not my true favorite super hero, Batman.

It is also special that I read Blog it Forward - Custodio de Oliveira by custodio.deoliveira as he found me last week and I got to meet him in person.  The same for the great jocelyn.dart Blog It Forward - Jocelyn Dart

So you have a date on November 18th - 4:00 pm Eastern - dial in/logon information is here SAP Mentor Monday Dial-in info

Don't forget, there is still time to "blog-it-forward".

For those who missed yesterday's blog-it-forward celebration, here is the recording:
