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There is just so much more to knowing and working in SAP that I almost every day discover something new .. a new initiative that they have launched , a new Tcode , a new Tip or trick .. Some thing which can help so much to make my work easy in my language I call it a "Developer's  delight"  ..

so basically the list is endless .. Being in SAP for so many years It still keeps me on the go to keep seeing or trying to figure out what's new .. and whose posting what ..

To be honest SDN is my new social networking which I use more than Instagram or Facebook

I will try to put certain things that I thought is going to be a  lot useful for those who are new .. or for those who want to go an extra mile to find something they probably haven't as yet ..

The reason why it is always so intriguing to know more about SAP is the reason their processes and methodologies are so well defined there is an ANSWER  to all your question either some one has asked it before or SAP has already covered it ..So there is nothing called as an issue for a LONG time its always resolved .. and they ensure it is done that way ..

SAP customer/ Partner interaction some Unique points :

- Everything is kept neat and clean no SPAM concept and they are even able to monitor it minutely really to that extent to the Ground level ..

- Every person contributes and will reply to you ..

- Replies are not "Automated " of Customer service desk but of real people .. Product owners ,Project Managers every one replying to your queries and helping you to step ahead ..

- KAIZEN Continuously improving .. before you master a product probably in 6 months there will be a new release by SAP , Keeps you on your toes ..

- Motivating people by gamifications , contents .. events seems to be a constant endeavor

-There is something for everyone  If you know coding , or you dont , if you are a Project Manager or a client , If you understand only  one integration or you understand an end to end scenario . or you only work for a particular scenario in Supply chain like P2P or OTC .. so many things for everyone ..

- Everyone in their Ecosystem is involved from clients , customers , Partners and obviously SAP themselves ..

-  No need to sell : SO if you work in SAP it is never important to convince clients to buy their product since that is something they must have already decided .. the only question is how much they can afford to shell out and which product/version/solution  to buy ?

I tried to see how each person at their experience level can contribute .. so I divided into 3 parts Beginner , Intermediate and Advanced

In the end I am listing some of the places each of us can try to explore and see how we could contribute .

(All are learners like i said it has to be a constant lifelong learning )

Beginner :

Step 1 : Know about SAP Product in which you are working .. Join the SAP Space to do that .

Step  2 :Learn More about the Product by working HANDS on as a consultant , end user or a developer .. Read the installation , configuration and product Guides which you can fine via SOLMAN , or online ViA help.sap.com ..

Step 3 : For any issues raised or a new enhancement for your client  check SDN posts , Post a query on SDN if you think its something which you dont understand rather than being a product issue

Step 4 : DO Google to see if any notes raised for the same issue which you could probably implement ..

Step 5:  If nothing works for you . Raise OSS  for any product issues .. collaborate with SAP to resolve them ..or to release new Notes

Project type : Support , Testing , Ticket Management 

Role : End user , Developer , Functional -Technical consultant

Intermediate Learner

Step 5 : Understand more and more about the product , Different enhancement options present

or how you could possibly customize them

Step 6  : Start resolving problems of Peers  and begin to Participate in SDN discussions ..

Step 7 : Get recognized.. from one level to the next ..

Step 8 :  Now start to learn a new Skill or about the new release of your project and start over again ...

Project Type : Implementation , Technical Upgrade

Role : Team Lead , Module Lead ,

Advanced Learner :

Step9 : A user who now understand a solution like a OTC , P2P cycle now should be able to write articles , user guides or Cook Books on how to better use the system

Step 10 : Suggest to SAP some improvement ideas on how you implemented custom changes in the system to benefit to the client

Step 11 : Implement projects , processes and help to prepare system in the Blue print phase ..

Project Type :  RFP , Client discussions , Solution Design

Role : Pre sales Lead , Solution Architect , Practice Area Lead , Product owner

Now , Lets have a look at what are the SAP initiatives which you must know about

  1. http://open.sap.com/          ----- For any Courses you want to learn for FREE
  2. http://training.sap.com/ -----For those who prefer to Pay or looking for a certification
  3. https://sapecom-production21.tangentlabs.co.uk/asset-manager/cdn/static-pdf/LH-Registration-Guide-1....  ----- The better place to get many courses for FREE
  4. http://sdn.sap.com/ ---- Check existing issues and discussion
  5. https://training.sap.com/shop/crowdsourcing/ --- Submit your questions to SAP to be included in certification exams
  6. http://help.sap.com/ -------- Check installation guides , config guides and more info by SAP
  7. https://websmp205.sap-ag.de/public/saplistens   -----Suggest new Ideas , feedback complains
  8. https://influence.sap.com/11086      ------ Similar to the above but mostly is more product specific changes ..
  9. SAP InnoJam , SAP TechEd http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-32350-- Meet experts in these events

So There still maybe so many things I would not know .. Do share it in the comments section below

Note : Every thing in this article is based on my own personal experience and understanding

Thanks for reading



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