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So my last blog started a little conversation - over 2000 views and greater than 50 comments.

And as I noted when I looked at my blog list of musings over the past 15 years here on this community site of various names I found that that blog was my 49th. Which makes this one my 50th.

I thought a really nice visualisation of a 7*7 3d interactive chart in d3js would have been fun but it is far easier to write 1000 words than generate an interactive chart (at least for me)

There certainly has been a time over the past couple of years when this sentiment from jelena.perfiljeva2 hit home. I have been too busy working or travelling and needed to take time to relax rather than go to another event, write another blog or learn the new thing about <insert new shiny tool here>

But this is tech and tech marches on - it indeed is the most like time and tide.

As I mentioned in the previous blog two key skills in modern development are:

  1. source control

  2. unit testing

We could all get a little better if we got a handle on these just as we could make sure that we are using the newest features of the languages we use.

Software though is made for people and by people. As much as geeks try to ignore this - it remains true.

So ... we need to also include tools in our belt like:

  1. Kindness

  2. Inclusivity

  3. Thoughtfulness

  4. Empathy

Just a little thought for a Wednesday ( adjusted for your timezone of course )