Hi Community Members. This blog is the second in an ongoing series of blogs around the development of the SCN platform. In my first blog, I provided some historical background , I explained how our team is using the Scrum development methodology, and I described the first and second sprints. In this blog I will provide you with an update on all sprint activity.
Since my last blog sprint 3 was completed and deployed, and work has been ongoing on sprint 4. We adjusted the sprint development schedule to a three week development cycle instead of two weeks. While this does spread out the delivery of new functionality, we felt that it was important to provide our developers sufficient time to plan, develop, and test. Two weeks just seemed to be too short.
Sprint 3: Deployment Date: Sunday, June 24
New Features
- Show spaces at top of search results. When a user searches for a particular term, it is often the case that the user is looking for the space in which the content is posted and not necessarily the content itself. Placing the matching spaces at the top of the search results should make it easier for community members to find the spaces that interest them most.
- Reflect space permission change in the search results.
- Move Blogs and Documents to bottom of Create menu. It seems that many community members have been clicking the first option on the Create menu without giving much thought to the type of content that they want to create, and as a result we were being flooded with blogs many of which should have been created as discussions.
Bug Fixes
- Jive case 177060: System Announcement Sends Mass Mails to Users. This bug was logged with Jive and a fix was applied which prevents the unfortunate spamming of end users when system announcements are made.
- Allow JVM monitoring on Solr servers. SOLR is the Jive component responsible for indexing content and supplying the content for many of the widgets you see on the space overview pages. SOLR also provides access to users, content, and spaces on the back-end.
- Permissive Cross Domain Policy Affects Security.
- Problems with points deletion for a resource rejected due to an abuse report.
- Number of Points in the upper bar is updated with delay.
- Wrong calculation of Points upon 5-star share of Blog Post.
- Reputation Tab: Some information is not displayed.
Sprint 4: Deployment Date: Sunday, July 15
This list of features and bugs is preliminary and not finalized.
New Features
- Space requests and navigation updates
- Enable Visual Intelligence on HANA Dev system. That's right. SAP really does run SAP. We are in the process of rolling out Visual Intelligence in order to get better community reports and though better understanding of the community we can make it a better site.
- Mobile UAT on PoC environment. Yes, you did not mis-read this. We are going to roll out a dedicated mobile application in order to make consuming the site on your mobile device much easier. Stay tuned for further details.
- Remove KM initiated duplicates from search results, test on QA and move to PROD. While the new SCN is based on Jive, there are elements of our previous portal system that still being used, such as knowledge management (KM). Keeping these system in sync is a challenge.
- Enhance people search results with icons & badges; ship to QA. Improving search is an ongoing task. This particular one will make it much easier to parse through search results and find people with whom you should connect.
Bug Fixes
- Verify and deploy the fix for Text Filtering with Solr Cluster
- Restore missing blogs that went lost after space merge
- Points from wiki to SCNSBS were loaded more than once. redundant points should be deleted.
Sprint 5: Deployment Date: Sunday, August 5
Sprint 5 planning is under way. Stay tuned.