Welcome Corner Blog Posts
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Active Contributor

Certainly I do not have as much time of SCN as jrgen.lins and tammy.powlas3, but here's my contribution!

I started using the SCN since a joined SAP (September 2009). My major contributions are related to the database spaces (currently I work in the SAP product support supporting databases:

SAP on SQL Server

Because of my contributions of the Spanish category (old SCN space), I got nominated topic leader (Announcing the SCN Topic Leaders 2011-2012) and I went to the TechEd Las Vegas 2012:

SAP TechEd 2012 Las Vegas

Where I could meet some SCN colleagues: scott.lawley, jeanne.carboni ,gali.klingschneider, laure.cetin, jon.reed, kevin.grove2, tobias.hofmann, henrique.pinto and roland.mallmann.

I think is it really important to share:

Analysing the 2012 Summer Olympics medals with SAP Lumira

Could not find the "Generic Installation Options" in SWPM?

Do you need to check which are the columns for a particular table?

Installation guides and notes for SQL Server Netweaver based products

Top 10 viewed KBAs for SAP on SQL Server for March 2013

Configuration Parameters for SQL Server

And also follow the spaces and people (e.g. ravisankar.venna blogs) you consider interesting.

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