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Thats is my humble submission on how SCN has helped me to find the correct path to expand Solution Manager information trough my career as a SAP consultant since 2004, look at that short blog post and know an history about "how i meet your SCN" in 4 steps.

who i am

Near to 10 year is a large history with a lot of changes, someone goods and some-others don't really goods but help in anyway to focus on my career with SAP, is not my intention to expand that post with my all experience and skills in SAP so for that i will focus on the moment when i discover SCN , to get an overview with my SAP professional skills i can use a short overview: I start as a basis developer, working on different types of projects around 5 years in the develper world as i get the opportunity to focus on SAP Solution Manager until now when my primary goal at Seidor is to explain the benefits of that Solution to all our customers and manage different solman projects, ccoe, pcoe, runsap, etc...

"how i meet our SCN"

Thinking about it, i know SCN too late. My profile is created on May 13, 2009 but that is because i am a addict to each new internet service that i think that can be found interesting, on that date i create the account and i don't use it until December 29, 2010 when i found some doubts with my last friend of headaches Sap Solution Manager; thinking now about that post, maybe i know SCN forums trough reply signatures from AGS (active global support) on sap support message on our first PCOE experience setup in solution manager far away on 2009/2010. A lot of AGS experts that know me trough my support message sure that found that moment when i know SCN as a reprieve for my great insistence on found an answers in my support messages :wink: ( special mention to paul.babier for they patience and help), remember to use SCN always as a pre-requisite to find a solution on a OSS message that you are thinking to send it to SAP support, you will find message processors from AGS on that forums and there are a lot of possibilities that your question/problem was answered before on SCN forums.

what i get and progress

My progress on SCN forums is gradually as i learn how to use it, actually i have created only 48 different post (blogs/doc/questions) and participated on near 167 trying to help people on forum, is near 2012 when i start to use SCN more usually, to find information or creating new solution manager content and one of the causes that make me increase my activity is from gamification ( yes i was an old addict game player :wink: ) and my starting process trough different social networks, that increase of activate on SCN give to me a new relevance on other social networks like twitter, linked-in, etc...gently and without know it find that ROI that i use on that post title; that ROI become as knowing excellent people that work like me with Solution Manager, SCN bring to me the possibility to know and speak with people that i see on a lot of documents that i found for the setup of Solution Manager, and CNS give me the  choice to  help and share my knowledge with other people that star or fight with Solution Manager.That is a short explanation about my SCN progress and how SCN bring me to contact different SAP experts trough social networks like twitter and linked-in with Solution Manager experts thanks to SCN contributions.

current activity

My intention on SCN is helping as i can to questions that i know, Sharing useful information and content that i get trough my own experience in the way as i found time to correct translate it to English and format it decently, Collaborate with other people always in the correct ways and respecting others for get the value of a professional SAP Solution Manager Networking. It's really important the play of gamification that don't only give me the opportunity to found a progression trough SCN learning, as well as the options that know new content trough new missions (as SAP Lumira for example), with that last missions "data geek challengers" i get not only an option to get more points, i also found a Solution to a real problem to exploit SAP Solution Manager data for a customer need; for that i have to request SAP gamification team that continue with that functionality that no help us only to get more points as also give us the path to collaborate with other experts in different forums topics and new SAP Solutions. I know that i'm really new on SCN, but with only that last few years of continuous activity on SCN, I have the truth for see and evaluate the great ROI of that three words than can help you trough your SAP Solution Manager Career. What do you think that SCN can do for you if you use it on all your SAP career ? Know i see it and don't have the intention to stop to collaborate.

My own SCN rules

SCN means SAP Community Network, try to change the 2 first words to find your correct SAP professional network :wink:

  • Share, first own mistake on my first SCN steps, SCN forums are not for only get an answer from experts, you will get more help from different member if you share content, share what you know if you expect to get help from others. rule number one on SCN,you will find more answers to your problems if you share more content than questions.

  • Collaborate, second own mistake on SCN, you can fulfill the previous first rule for Sharing but you need to Collaborate, you can share a lot of content, information, documents, but if the quality of that information leak you will fail. Rule number two, Collaborate with other member helping them on problems, answering questions and cooperate if they need to find solutions will help you in the future.

  • Networking. the last rule, SCN is a real huge of different forums topics, i know a different experts from SCN that have a lot of experiencing on different topics, but that people are like a super SAP heroes, thinking about it, I'm not a heroe :wink: , try to focus you on a few topics to get a more accurate Network, that will help you to find quickly the correct contact for your problems.

Last words,

Today, i know really well all the benefices that give us SCN , SCN is not only a forum, SCN is a collaboration point of a SAP worldwide Network that help me to find the correct answers and information about a topic ( SAP Solution Manager ) that on my country is currently a great Unknown. For that i tell / remember all my collage and new incorporation on Seidor the importance to has an own S user, and access to SAP forums. That have to be a must-to-do that are not apply on SAP customers and different partners. SCN is not a great opportunity to found information about SAP topics, is also a great tool to found excellent professionals and give you the correct path to expand you career in SAP. Now SCN is helping me to expand SAP Solution Manager benefices with my customers in Spain and cow-work with solman experts, you don't have to lost that opportunity in your SAP career.

I hope that new mission will inspire other to find more quickly than me that ROI from collaborate in SCN forums.

Great thank all for make that possible,

P.D. to many English words for my poor english skills, sorry for grammatical mistakes :wink:

