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Below you will see a status report on the focus of one of the SITKids from the SAP community. The event described below was the SAPInsideTrackBern for Kids / #SITKidsBern  and took place on 08/09/2018 at the same time as SAPInsideTrackBern  /#SITBern https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/events/SAP+Inside+Track+2018+Bern+%28Switzerland%29+%23sitbern

#SITKids is a non-profit event that was supported by the volunteer efforts of all those involved and with the help of sponsors.


The following blog post serves as an amendment to the blog post, from #SITkidsBern2017


Here, we would like to capture the structural learnings and new insights from #SITKIDSBERN 2017:

This event was bigger than the 2017 SITKIDSBERN. We had 30 children (ages 7-12/Ø9), with 18 girls and 12 boys. There were 12 stations and 13 coaches. Each station covered one theme and was guided by a "professional" coach. The stations and the children were supported by 4 Angels with respect to all factual, organizational, and emotional matters. There were 6 children who already had in-depth knowledge of individual stations, and they took on the role of K2K (Kid-to-Kid) teachers. These children were able to help other children with their fears of embarking on something new, aided with their entry.

Pic1-4: samples of the stations

In order to maintain the framework structure, the morning’s rotation principle through all stations, and the project work in the afternoon, we had a “Time Guardian”. He made sure that the time schedule was followed. In the morning, 12 groups of 2-3 children each rotated through all of the stations for 12 minutes. In the afternoon, the children could form new groups on their own and try their hand at their own projects. Each child could complete up to 2 projects in the afternoon.

The intensive morning program was a real challenge for the coaches as they had to teach the same content 12 times over within a short time frame—to groups of children with different levels of knowledge. Everyone conquered this challenge to the best.

Pic 5-8: Coaches @workhttps://twitter.com/MatthiasWild?lang=de   https://twitter.com/mri_ch?lang=de, https://twitter.com/snifi_x


The stations were organized as follows:

Room 1 was the Robi Room. It had LEGO BOOST, LEGO Mindstorm, the Mbot, the Calliope and the Ozobot. The children could practice object-oriented programming and enjoy the diversity of the different stations.

Pic 9-10: Robi-Adventures https://www.lego.com/en-us/themes/boost https://www.lego.com/en-us/mindstorms https://www.makeblock.com/steam-kits/mbot https://www.calliope.cc/ https://ozobot.com/


Room 2 was the sensor and VR1 room. The stations were called littelbits, makey makey and VR Google cardboard. These topics were more playful and experimental. The children could experiment freely and take their first steps in virtual reality.

Pic 11-12: Sensor/VR-experiments https://littlebits.com/ https://makeymakey.com/ https://makeymakey.com/


Anteroom to Room 1/2 – this housed the programming with Scratch station. This station required a high level of explanation and required a basic measure of calm in its implementation. For this reason, we kept Scratch separate from the other stations.

Pic13: Scratch lesson https://scratch.mit.edu/


Corridor – this is where the drone zone and the journey into the computer were developed. The land and jumping drones required space and a radius of action. The journey into the computer was a new station for us; it allowed children to look behind the outside casing of the computers and their accessories. They understood that these are not grey metal boxes and black plastic disks, but rather a finely tuned unit of individual modular components that talk to each other.

Video 1: Jumping Drone https://www.google.com/search?q=jumpingdrone&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab


Pic14: "Have a look inside"


Room 3 was our Future Zone which hosted a combination station. The children could control the computer with gestures and get to know the world with Hololux glasses. Everyone loved this station. It was amazing to see how easy it was for the children to jump from “conventional computer control” into the next dimension.

Pic 15: Future steps with #hololux https://hololux.de/ http://expertsinside.com/, and leapmotion https://www.leapmotion.com/


Video 2: Leapmotion controller



It was very important for all of the children to present their projects and experiences.  They learned to formulate direct successes and learning successes, and to present them to a larger audience. Each result was greatly celebrated in the auditorium.

Pic 16-19: presentation/celebration


Finally, we would like to thank our great team of angels and coaches, each member served as an important part of the entire event:

ArturTomczak https://twitter.com/tomczakartur?lang=de https://twitter.com/ExpertsInside?lang=de, CarstenLexhttps://twitter.com/carstenlex?lang=de ,ChristianBecker, Fridolin,HeikeBäumler, JeanJaquesJoss, Kinga Sipos @kingasipos3, MarcelRitschard https://twitter.com/mri_ch?lang=de, MarcWicht https://twitter.com/search?q=hololux&src=typd&lang=de, MatthiasWild https://twitter.com/MatthiasWild?lang=de, Martin Zehnhäuser,MichaelLips, NilsHowald, SahraKollmann, StefanSchneider https://twitter.com/snifi_x,SveaBecker https://twitter.com/sveabecker3112 ,


We also greatly appreciate and thank our sponsors:

Basis Technologies Germany GmbH https://www.basistechnologies.de/ , Losinger Marrazzi https://www.losinger-marazzi.ch/de/, Flaman GmbH https://www.bauschadenexperten.ch/,Radonsecur , BetterIT , Swisscom, Sap-Community, Sap D-Shop,SAP Presshttps://www.sap-press.com/


Personally, I look to all participants, children, coaches, angels, and the time guardian and say:

“You made my day … September 8, 2018”


Thanks to everybody

Carola and Family Flaman

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