Welcome Corner Blog Posts
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Following all the other great SAP community activities in Poland, an additional SAP Stammtisch is coming up. Now in Kraków in the southern part of Poland.

Save the date now - Friday 6th December from 6pm!

You are welcome to join us weather you are a professional or beginner. The Stammtisch is open for anyone interested in SAP. The idea for this -informal- meeting is to talk about SAP related topics, learn new things and extend our professional network.

You will find more information about the event, and the sign up information on the SAP Stammtisch Kraków Meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/Krakow-SAP-Community-Meetup/events/265664978/ 

Don't forget to follow us on social media with #SAPCommunityKRK hashtag.

See you there!
