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Anne's personal perspective on the SAP Online Track

Well, there are a lot of elements that somehow came together to make the whole event a possibility.

We have the fact that sharing knowledge is absolutely key to growth. Then there’s the aspect of getting together across borders – physical, as well as mental. The point with making a 24-hour streamed and recorded knowledge sharing experience, is to give all and everyone in the SAP market a great chance to meet, speak and share their own experiences. And this means everyone. Around the globe, you’re invited, both to listen and speak!

Thirdly, we’re calling all local SAP Inside Track communities to join the sense of growing a global community.

We all have something in common. Be it interest in a specific topic.

Community that inspire us on a personal level. That make us want to delve deeper into our jobs, hobbies and what fulfills us. Or that’s in theory anyway.

The interesting thing that is happening at the moment, is the fact that six people somehow managed to get together and knit together a functional concept. A beautiful and magnificent concept that is. Imagine 24 hours of pure potential for getting to know people from around the world that share your passions!

How I managed to get to be a part of it, I’m not quite sure. However, I do know that these kinds of “call to action” inspire me too, and being part of them makes me realize that we are able to bring people together with such an ease when we make the right team work. I mean, I have been wondering – where does the energy come from to be sew together from a single idea to having the deadline set. It’s like painting, but far more complex! Knowing that it can be done will also inspire me to create future concepts to bring the world together.

Please sign up to be a part of this SAP Online experience, whether you choose to listen in for a single session or want to partake as a speaker, you will get to make a difference too.


What is currently happening with the SAP Online track?

Jump on over to Jakobs post to get the generals information on the SAP Online Track 🙂


Important: Youtube

We have set up a Youtube channel for the event, so that all session can be recorded and put up for future knowledge sharing. This is a newer concept, which has also been started in the SAP Inside Track movement. It makes sense to preserve, and if you cannot participate, you should subscribe to the channel so the sessions will be available to you in the future!


The event has a larger focus too, we have set up charity for Girls Who Code and already have a sponsor through FAIR Consulting Group! Big cheer!


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